Scribbler of Dreams Test | Final Test - Medium

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Scribbler of Dreams Test | Final Test - Medium

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 28, what does Kaitlin want to end?
(a) Negative attention from her parents
(b) Her relationship with Bram
(c) Distrust
(d) Suffering

2. In Chapter 23, what does Kaitlin realize will increase the hatred between the Malones and Crutchfields?
(a) Sabotaging the land deal with explosives
(b) Getting married to Bram
(c) Exposing the Crutchfield schemes
(d) Sending Maggie's diaries for publication

3. What is to happen to the Crutchfield land in Chapter 19?
(a) It is to be dynamited to create an artificial lake
(b) It is to be planted with young trees
(c) It is to be sold
(d) It is to be bulldozed

4. How does Garner say Robert Crutchfield died?
(a) By hitting his head on a rock
(b) By sudden heart attack
(c) By being struck by a car
(d) By drowning

5. In Chapter 21, what does it seem Kaitlin and her sister will soon be able to do.
(a) Sign up for piano lessons again
(b) Return to private school
(c) Visit their cousins in LA
(d) Manage the running of the vegetable stand all by themselves

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Kaitlin called upon to speak at school?

2. What does Kaitlin liken herself to in Chapter 17?

3. Why is building the retreat so important to the Crutchfields?

4. What kind of jewelry has Bram given Kaitlin in Chapter 23?

5. What is the topic of the essays Kaitlin writes for the Bookends?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Kaitlin reconcile with in Chapter 27?

2. What do the Malones talk about at dinner in Chapter 25?

3. According to Garner, what happened on the night Robert Crutchfield died?

4. Why does Kaitlin hesitate when it comes to exposing the Crutchfield family's schemes?

5. How is Kaitlin's true identity revealed to Bram?

6. In Chapter 26, how does Garner explain his unwillingness to sell the land to the Crutchfields?

7. In Chapter 19 why does Bram want to go to his old family land?

8. Why was Bram not a school in Chapter 26?

9. What does Kaitlin fail to do in Chapter 20?

10. Where does Kaitlin go snooping in Chapter 21 and why?

(see the answer keys)

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