Scribbler of Dreams Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Scribbler of Dreams Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the new foreman at Kaitlin's family farm?
(a) Ron
(b) Randy
(c) Reggie
(d) Rick

2. By Chapter 12, how does Kaitlin view the Crutchfields?
(a) As angels
(b) As humans
(c) As friends
(d) As monsters

3. What happens to Kaitlin in Chapter 11?
(a) She has a panic attack
(b) She has a coughing fit
(c) She faints
(d) She starts to cry

4. What do Bram and Kaitlin begin doing every day by Chapter 5?
(a) Arguing
(b) Kissing
(c) Passing notes
(d) Talking

5. Where are Bram and Kaitlin when he points out some land to her?
(a) Out on the lake
(b) Driving down the highway
(c) In the school cafeteria
(d) In Bram's backyard

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the author of Scribbler of Dreams?

2. How does Kaitlin get away from Bram in Chapter 6?

3. Who is Jack?

4. Who do the diaries in the garage in Chapter 10 belong to?

5. What does Bram's father want him to study at college?

Short Essay Questions

1. What makes Kaitlin uncomfortable in Chapter 5?

2. What does Kaitlin find in Bram's garage?

3. What does Bram tell Kaitlin about his father in Chapter 8?

4. Why is Bram reluctant to study art in college?

5. How does Kaitlin earn spending money?

6. Who is Jack and why is he at Bram's house? What makes Kaitlin worry about him?

7. Who is Rick, and what does Kaitlin think of him?

8. What excuse does Kaitlin use for talking to Bram in Chapter 10?

9. What does Kaitlin consider doing to the portrait Bram painted?

10. What has Kaitlin begun to lose in Chapter 12?

(see the answer keys)

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