Scribbler of Dreams Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Scribbler of Dreams Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Kaitlin go to see at the end of Chapter 22?
(a) Becky
(b) Rick
(c) Mrs. Flannery
(d) Her grandparents

2. Why does Kaitlin go to see Becky in Chapter 27?
(a) So she can tell Becky off
(b) So she can introduce Becky to one of Bram's friends
(c) To pay Becky money she owes her
(d) To talk to Becky

3. What do Kaitlin's parents do in Chapter 30?
(a) They lock Kaitlin out of the house
(b) They send the police to find Kaitlin
(c) They take care of her
(d) They invite Becky over to keep Kaitlin company

4. Who sends Kaitlin home at the end of Chapter 29?
(a) Jack
(b) Garner
(c) Bram
(d) Allison

5. What does Kaitlin ask her father about in Chapter 26?
(a) Why he hates the Crutchfields
(b) Why her mother has been away so long
(c) Why the townspeople think he is capable of murder
(d) Why he won't sell the land

6. What does Kaitlin confess at dinner in Chapter 25?
(a) She helped Rick set up the scheme and land deal
(b) She has no intention of going to college
(c) She is pretending to be Becky's friend
(d) She is dating Bram

7. What is the topic of the essays Kaitlin writes for the Bookends?
(a) The proportional representation electoral system
(b) Political figures worthy of imitating
(c) The influence of political cartoons
(d) The role of the media in politics

8. What does Bram tell Kaitlin in Chapter 26?
(a) His father is still alive
(b) The land deal has fallen through
(c) He can't date her anymore
(d) His mother has a secret

9. Who does Kaitlin wait for in Chapter 19?
(a) Rick
(b) Bram
(c) Her mother
(d) Becky

10. Why does Abby curse Kaitlin out in Chapter 19?
(a) She sees Kaitlin wearing her shoes without asking
(b) She has discovered what Kaitlin is up to with Bram
(c) She doesn't show up for her shift at the vegetable stand
(d) She is angry that Kaitlin won't stand up to the Bookends

11. What does Kaitlin liken herself to in Chapter 17?
(a) A tyrant
(b) An angel
(c) A fairy
(d) A monster

12. What kind of jewelry has Bram given Kaitlin in Chapter 23?
(a) A broach
(b) A ring
(c) A necklace
(d) A bracelet

13. How does Kaitlin travel to see Becky in Chapter 27?
(a) By bike
(b) By car
(c) By train
(d) She walks

14. What is the jewelry Bram is going to give Kaitlin made from?
(a) Amber
(b) A seashell
(c) A silver spoon
(d) Maggie's diary lock

15. In Chapter 28, what did Kaitlin say she used her prayer to do?
(a) To show that she is not a little kid anymore
(b) Send her sister a coded message
(c) Tell her parents about the Crutchfields
(d) Trick her parents into feeling empathy for the Crutchfields

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Allison hand off to someone in Chapter 20?

2. What does Bram say he and his mother had done in Chapter 26?

3. How does Kaitlin's father feel to be home?

4. Where does Kaitlin wear the jewelry Bram gave her?

5. Where does Bram want to go in Chapter 19?

(see the answer keys)

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