Scribbler of Dreams Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Scribbler of Dreams Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kaitlin say her last name is in Chapter 7?
(a) Hamilton
(b) Harcourt
(c) Hampton
(d) Harper

2. What does Kaitlin thank Bram for in Chapter 10?
(a) Letting her use his pen
(b) Bringing her lunch
(c) The picture
(d) A ride home

3. How do the actions of the Bookends make Kaitlin feel?
(a) Flattered
(b) Uncomfortable
(c) Elated
(d) Relieved

4. Who is the author of Scribbler of Dreams?
(a) Stephenie Meyers
(b) Gregory McGuire
(c) Ann Head
(d) Mary E. Pearson

5. What does Bram confess in Chapter 12?
(a) That he knows the truth about Kaitlin
(b) That he has half-siblings he has never met
(c) That he is in love with Kaitlin
(d) That he was adopted

6. Why does Kaitlin call Bram in Chapter 9?
(a) To tell him about Becky
(b) To borrow his English notes
(c) To warn him about the Bookends
(d) To get his address

7. Who is Josh?
(a) Becky's boyfriend
(b) A Crutchfield employee
(c) Bram's brother
(d) A waiter

8. What decade do the diary entries Kaitlin reads in Chapter 13 date to?
(a) The 1870s
(b) The 1980s
(c) The 1840s
(d) The 1930s

9. Why does Kaitlin slap Bram in Chapter 16?
(a) He tells her not to talk to Becky
(b) He tries to kiss her
(c) He finds out who she is and becomes enraged
(d) He calls her father a scumbag

10. What does Kaitlin realize about the land Bram shows her?
(a) It is traversed by a rail line
(b) It is polluted land
(c) It is land her father wanted to buy
(d) It belongs to the Malones

11. What does Kaitlin like about the Malone land?
(a) The seclusion
(b) The views
(c) The value
(d) The lake

12. What does Kaitlin think Jack has realized?
(a) The farmland is undervalued
(b) That Bram is a Crutchfield
(c) The bruise on her arm
(d) Her similarity to her father

13. What important information does Bram share with Kaitlin in Chapter 5?
(a) That he is going to drop out of school
(b) That someone is spread rumors about her
(c) That he knows about her father
(d) That his last name is Crutchfield

14. What does Kaitlin do with the portrait at the end of Chapter 6?
(a) She returns it
(b) She hugs it
(c) She gives it to her mother
(d) She throws it away

15. In Chapter 6, where does Kaitlin go when she parts from Bram?
(a) To her car
(b) To the principal's office
(c) To a coffee shop
(d) To her locker

Short Answer Questions

1. Which family does Kaitlin’s family hate?

2. Where does Kaitin wait for Bram in Chapter 13?

3. How does Kaitlin react to what Bram reveals in Chapter 5?

4. What have the Bookends discovered about Kaitlin?

5. What does Kaitlin do when she finds out Bram’s identity?

(see the answer keys)

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