Screw-jack Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Screw-jack Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Thompson claim he was not in his letter in the Introduction?
(a) A brainless whore.
(b) A sane man.
(c) A chaste nun.
(d) A classical writer.

2. Thompson wrote about _______________singing White Rabbit in "Mescalito."
(a) Jefferson Airplane.
(b) Louis Armstrong.
(c) Jim Morrison.
(d) Martin Bormann.

3. Hearing news of ______________ was too much for a tortured head in "Mescalito"?
(a) Reagan.
(b) Nixon.
(c) Carter.
(d) Jackson.

4. What did Thompson consider mixing with ice fragments to drink in "Mescalito"?
(a) Belvedere.
(b) Jack Daniels.
(c) Jameson's.
(d) Old Crow.

5. According to Thompson, how high above his feet was his head while tripping in "Mescalito"?
(a) 20 feet.
(b) 40 feet.
(c) 3 feet.
(d) 10 feet.

Short Answer Questions

1. What were the police and ambulances scrambling toward as Thompson watched in the beginning of "Mescalito"?

2. What veteran CBS journalist did Thompson describe as being condescending in "Mescalito"?

3. Thompson tried to focus on the sound of what musical instrument between ads during his trip in "Mescalito"?

4. What date is the second entry of "Mescalito"?

5. To whom is the letter in the Introduction addressed?

Short Essay Questions

1. What comparisons did Thompson make between acid and mescaline?

2. What interactions had Thompson had with the Hell's Angels? When was this cited in "Mescalito"?

3. How did Thompson describe the imagery as he began to peak? What did the typewriter look like?

4. What did Thompson describe embedded in the carpet of his room in "Mescalito"? What had it reminded him of?

5. Who was Oscar in "Mescalito"?

6. Why had a dope freak tried to steal the Goodyear blimp in "Mescalito"?

7. What conflicts did Thompson face in "Mescalito" after his drug trip began?

8. To whom did Thompson make a phone call in "Mescalito"? Why?

9. Who passed below Thompson's hotel room in "Mescalito"? What interaction did they have?

10. What holiday was approaching in "Mescalito"? What advertisements did Thompson hear regarding the holiday?

(see the answer keys)

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