Scoundrel Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Scoundrel Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What made Hellman a target for suspicion by the Committee?
(a) Her suspicious trips abroad.
(b) She supported Wallace.
(c) Her parent's politics.
(d) Her general attitude towards police.

2. Who joined the House Committee program soon after it started.
(a) McCarthy.
(b) Wallace.
(c) Truman.
(d) Hoover.

3. Who would be listed on the Blacklist?d
(a) People suspected of disloyalty.
(b) Women.
(c) Former government officials.
(d) Immigrants.

4. Why did Hellman go to Germany?
(a) To help clean up.
(b) To go to college.
(c) To meet a celebrity.
(d) To find her family.

5. Hellman was considered a ________, not a Communist.
(a) Traitor.
(b) Radical.
(c) Independent.
(d) Republican.

Short Answer Questions

1. Hammett compared his time in jail to ______.

2. How did Hammett think people would feel about Hellman's high morals?

3. What was Hammett's prediction for the outcome of Hellman's testimony?

4. Before her hearing, Hellman had to go to _____ for a script consultation.

5. When did Hellman return to America?

Short Essay Questions

1. What would deem someone "guilty" to the House Committee?

2. How were the liberal Democrats convinced to support the House Committee and Blacklist?

3. Was Hellman a Communist? Why did the government scrutinize her?

4. How were Hollywood producers under a lot of pressure during the McCarthy hearings?

5. Was Clifford Odets a hypocrite? How?

6. Wills explains that the Cold War, like World War II, was not about fighting men or countries. What were these wars about fighting? Why was this a more formidable enemy?

7. What was the result of being found guilty by the House Committee?

8. Other than the subpoena, what troubles did Hellman face? How helpful were Hellman's friends during this time?

9. How did Hellman receive a rude awakening after Hammett's imprisonment?

10. What were Hellman's opinions of how McCarthy and Nixon saw their own preaching?

(see the answer keys)

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