Scoundrel Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Scoundrel Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The government convinced people that progressive men were _______.
(a) Communists.
(b) Friends.
(c) Immoral.
(d) Spies.

2. How did the Committee respond to Hellman's letter?
(a) They accepted.
(b) They refused.
(c) They gave her a rain check.
(d) They never responded.

3. Hellman writes, "Nixon is a ______ liar."
(a) Ridiculous.
(b) Villainous.
(c) Incompetent.
(d) Frivolous.

4. Of what did Nixon's election convince Hellman?
(a) There was no good in the world.
(b) America had forgotten about McCarthy.
(c) Nixon's power.
(d) America wanted to sabotage itself.

5. What did the article say about the proof against Alger Hiss?
(a) It was trumped up.
(b) It was legitimate.
(c) There wasn't any.
(d) It was not regarding Hiss.

6. Before her hearing, Hellman decided not to feel ______.
(a) Scared.
(b) Ashamed.
(c) Happy.
(d) Egotistical.

7. If Hellman answered questions honestly about herself, what could she not do?
(a) Discuss others.
(b) Leave the country again.
(c) Appeal her case.
(d) Plead the fifth later.

8. How did Hellman revise her plan for her testimony?
(a) She would speak honestly about everyone.
(b) She would run away.
(c) She would invoke the Fifth Amendment.
(d) She would lie about everything.

9. What did Hellman have to do for money after her hearing?
(a) Sell her farm.
(b) Work for McCarthy.
(c) Work three jobs.
(d) Sell her work.

10. How did the panel members react to Hellman's answers?
(a) They tried to twist her words.
(b) They were impressed.
(c) They tried to disprove her answers.
(d) They were annoyed.

11. Who was the anti-radical hero?
(a) Truman.
(b) Nixon.
(c) London.
(d) Hellman.

12. After Hellman sent her letter, what did she do?
(a) Started a petition.
(b) Waited.
(c) Preped for her hearing.
(d) Went on vacation.

13. How did the audience receive Hellman at the "Regina" premier?
(a) They gave her a standing ovation.
(b) They booed her offstage.
(c) They walked out.
(d) They listened intently.

14. The government wants to question Hellman to find out what?
(a) Who she worked for.
(b) How writers control minds.
(c) How she dodged them for so long.
(d) How she was brainwashed.

15. After her hearing, what play gained Hellman more success?
(a) "The Little Foxes."
(b) "The Autumn Garden."
(c) "The Children's Hour."
(d) "Toys in the Attic."

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened to Hellman's money from the revival of "The Children's Attic"?

2. What did Martin Berkeley say about Hellman in his testimony?

3. What did Hellman testify about Bradeley?

4. Who paged Hellman on her way to London?

5. What did Rauh do with Hellman's letter during the hearing?

(see the answer keys)

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