Science and the Enlightenment Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Thomas L. Hankins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Science and the Enlightenment Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Thomas L. Hankins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The conversion of 'sGravesande confused the ideological debate because he was one of the leading supporters of ________ philosophy on the Continent.
(a) Newtonian.
(b) Aristotlian.
(c) Voltairian.
(d) Platoian.

2. The concept of subtle fluids made its appearance around ________ when demonstration experiments in physics were rapidly gaining in popularity, according to the narrator in Chapter 3.
(a) 1853.
(b) 1740.
(c) 1800.
(d) 1770.

3. Which German metaphysician, when asked in 1785 if he believed he lived in an enlightened age, answered, "No, we are living in an age of enlightenment."
(a) Chatelet.
(b) Maupertuis.
(c) Immanuel Kant.
(d) Diderot.

4. According to the narrator in Chapter 1, what was the key to a correct method whose model was mathematics?
(a) Reason.
(b) Nature.
(c) Geometry.
(d) Nuture.

5. Leibniz, in his differential calculus, broke up the curve into many little straight lines, creating a ________, in Chapter 2 of "Science and the Enlightenment."
(a) Polygon curve.
(b) Diagonal curve.
(c) Centripetal curve.
(d) Pentagon curve.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the name of the path by which an object slides from one point to another that is not on the same vertical line in the shortest possible time?

2. In Chapter 2, what was the name of the shape of a chain suspended between two fixed points?

3. According to the narrator in Chapter 3, who became a famous doctor and chemist and initiated the Dutch program in his oration of 1715 entitled "De comparando certo in physicis"?

4. All of the following philosophers at the University of Leiden followed Newton's lead in organizing experiments except for whom?

5. Who claimed a community of atheists could live a completely moral existence, according to Chapter 1 of the book "Science and the Enlightenment"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Leibniz argue in regards to the mechanical philosophy of the Enlightenment?

2. Discuss the ideology of the Enlightenment on natural philosophers. Who was France's main natural philosopher? Explain.

3. Discuss Benjamin Franklin's single static electrical atmosphere.

4. What were the proponents of blunt rods which where used in the study of electricity? Who led the proponents of blunt rods? Explain.

5. How did the eighteenth century define analysis? Explain.

6. What advantage did natural philosophy have over other literary pursuits? Explain.

7. Discuss Christian Wolff's book "Generally useful researches for attaining to a more exact knowledge of nature and the arts."

8. Who coined the term "Scientific Revolution" and who was this person? What was the Scientific Revolution?

9. Discuss the two concepts that were studied in rational mechanics during the Enlightenment.

10. Who redefined physics in the 1720s? Explain.

(see the answer keys)

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