Science and the Enlightenment Test | Final Test - Easy

Thomas L. Hankins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Science and the Enlightenment Test | Final Test - Easy

Thomas L. Hankins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The crucial realization of the Chemical Revolution was that ________ was not a single element but a physical state that many chemical substances could assume, according to Chapter 4.
(a) Earth.
(b) Fire.
(c) Air.
(d) Wind.

2. The narrator explained in Chapter 4 that there was very little in Lavoisier's activities prior to 1772 that revealed any interest in ________.
(a) Evaporation.
(b) Condensation.
(c) Distillation.
(d) Combustion.

3. According to the narrator in Chapter 6, what where the two great national academies that were the models on which the new academies of the eighteenth century were founded?
(a) International School of Luxembourg / Crossroads Christian Academy.
(b) Royal Society of London / Paris Academy of Science.
(c) International School of Georgia / German School of Athens.
(d) International Bilingual School of Provence / Black Forest Academy.

4. Beginning in 1760, all of the following individuals were considered the three best experimentalists of the century who were all drawn to the ovist version of the preformation theory except for which one?
(a) Spallanzani.
(b) Haller.
(c) Needham.
(d) Bonnet.

5. In 1757, thirty years after Hales described his experiments with ________, Joseph Black discovered the phenomenon of ________.
(a) Fixed air / latent heat.
(b) Volatile liquid / fixed heat.
(c) Latent heat / Fixed heat.
(d) Vaporization / Dissertation.

6. Who wrote in Chapter 6, "The first man who, having enclosed a piece of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine,' and found people simple enough to believe him, was the true founder of civil society"?
(a) Voltaire.
(b) Robespierre.
(c) Diderot.
(d) Rousseau.

7. Who called natural history the "great root and mother" of all the sciences and made it the indispensable prelude to his experimental philosophy in Chapter 5?
(a) Bacon.
(b) Lavoisier.
(c) Franklin.
(d) Newton.

8. The ________ greatly increased the demand for certain chemical products, such as alkalis and mineral acids, and the search for improved methods of manufacture resulted in new chemical techniques in metallurgy, ceramics, and textiles, especially in textile dyeing and bleaching.
(a) Industrial Revolution.
(b) Great Depression.
(c) World War II.
(d) French Revolution.

9. In Chapter 4, Abbe Condillac claimed that ________ was the best language because it had the best symbols.
(a) Sign language.
(b) Algebra.
(c) Chinese.
(d) Japanese.

10. Haller carried out his famous investigations into the sensibility and irritability of __________, according to Chapter 5.
(a) Plant tissue.
(b) Animal tissue.
(c) Water.
(d) Human tissue.

11. Who concluded in Chapter 6 that "where experiments {from cautious observations of human life} are judiciously collected and compared, we may hope to establish on them a science, which will not be inferior in certainty, and will be much superior in utility to any other of human comprehension"?
(a) Bayle.
(b) Hume.
(c) Montesquieu.
(d) Voltaire.

12. The following were the three primary kinds of government Montesquieu distinguished between in Chapter 6 except for which one?
(a) Despotism.
(b) Democracy.
(c) Parliment.
(d) Monarchy.

13. The narrator explains in Chapter 6 that the ________ believed that the improvement of society could be brought about by making economic activity agree more closely with the laws implanted in nature by Providence.
(a) Pantisocrat.
(b) Fermiers.
(c) Grains.
(d) Physiocrats.

14. As a mathematician and rigorous metaphysician, ________ believed that the universe in all past, present, and future states followed a "preestablished harmony" laid down by God at the time of creation.
(a) Leibniz.
(b) Buffon.
(c) Bourguet.
(d) Haller.

15. Before 1740, the standard authorities in physiology were all of the following individuals except for whom?
(a) Newton.
(b) Bellini.
(c) Borelli.
(d) Boerhaave.

Short Answer Questions

1. The campaign of the philosophes to reform the criminal code in France began with the ________ affair.

2. Joseph Black studied ________, which had only recently been used as a medicine, according to Chapter 4.

3. Who, as both a chemist and a physician, was the first to criticize mechanistic explanations while his books on chemistry and physiology influenced Europe?

4. Chapter 5 states that ________ means an inquiry or investigation into nature.

5. According to the narrator at the beginning of Chapter 5, this chapter is about the world of living things and could be called ________, except as a word and as a discipline, it did not appear until the very end of the eighteenth century.

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