Science and the Enlightenment Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Thomas L. Hankins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Science and the Enlightenment Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Thomas L. Hankins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 5, Natural History and Physiology.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who saw his physiology as an animata anatome, an experimental science that investigated and explained the special properties and functions of living matter without going beyond the information obtained from the senses?
(a) Glisson.
(b) Haller.
(c) D'Alembert.
(d) Diderot.

2. The ________ greatly increased the demand for certain chemical products, such as alkalis and mineral acids, and the search for improved methods of manufacture resulted in new chemical techniques in metallurgy, ceramics, and textiles, especially in textile dyeing and bleaching.
(a) World War II.
(b) Great Depression.
(c) Industrial Revolution.
(d) French Revolution.

3. Who had written a preface to the second edition of the "Principia," supposedly with Newton's blessing, that described gravity as a force acting at a distance without any intervening medium?
(a) Henry Oldenburg.
(b) Roger Cortes.
(c) James Butler.
(d) Robert Boyle.

4. In Chapter 4, the narrator reveals that Anne Robert Jacques Turgot was a famous French ________.
(a) Philosopher.
(b) Chemist.
(c) Public servant.
(d) Physicist.

5. The conversion of 'sGravesande confused the ideological debate because he was one of the leading supporters of ________ philosophy on the Continent.
(a) Platoian.
(b) Aristotlian.
(c) Newtonian.
(d) Voltairian.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who carried rational mechanics to the highest point of generality and abstraction that it was to reach during the Enlightenment?

2. According to Chapter 4, what is another name for nitrous oxide?

3. In 1769, ________, a student of Joseph Black's at Glasgow, measured the repulsion between charges with an apparatus that balanced the electrical repulsion against gravitational attraction.

4. Electricians in the following countries concluded from their experiments that electrified seeds germinated faster, that electrified plants sent out shoots earlier, and that electrified animals were slightly lighter than non-electrified ones, except for which country?

5. Harvey followed the Aristotelian notion that the embryo began as a homogeneous mass and that the organs formed one after another from this homogeneous substance in a process called ________.

(see the answer key)

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