School for Scandal Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 253 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

School for Scandal Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 253 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Trip have Sir Oliver and Mr. Moses do?
(a) Review some of his reference material.
(b) Pay for the pastries that they have ordered.
(c) Wait for Charles Surface.
(d) Take a note to Lady Sneerwell.

2. What is the setting of Act 3, Scene 2?
(a) Joseph Surface's house.
(b) The country.
(c) Lady Sneerwell's house.
(d) Charles Surface's house.

3. What does Lady Teazle want Sir Peter to do as Act 4, Scene 3 comes to an end?
(a) Join her for a gossiping session at Lady Sneerwell's.
(b) Forgive her for her actions, and take her back.
(c) Apologize to Joseph for barging in on him.
(d) Take her to a French millinery to buy herself a new hat.

4. In Act 5, Scene 1, what does Joseph say about Sir Oliver?
(a) He is a kind benefactor.
(b) He does not know Sir Oliver.
(c) He is a generous uncle.
(d) He is a greedy miser.

5. Whom does Joseph attempt to push out of his house?
(a) Rowley.
(b) Sir Peter.
(c) Benjamin Backbite.
(d) Sir Oliver.

6. What type of mood is Joseph in, as his uninvited guest arrives at the beginning of Act 5, Scene 1?
(a) Friendly.
(b) Bad mood.
(c) Jovial.
(d) Depressed.

7. How is Charles Surface known to handle his business dealings?
(a) In a timely and error-free way.
(b) In a very honest and straightforward way.
(c) In a flippant and careless way.
(d) In a calculating and devious way.

8. How does Charles handle his business dealings?
(a) Rudely and dishonestly.
(b) Impudently but honestly.
(c) Graciously and honestly.
(d) Graciously but dishonestly.

9. How does Sir Oliver see Charles to be beneath the surface during and after the portrait auction?
(a) Selfish.
(b) Noble.
(c) Conniving.
(d) Intelligent.

10. How much does Sir Oliver offer to pay for the portrait that he is interested in buying?
(a) Over one thousand pounds.
(b) Over two thousand pounds.
(c) Over six hundred pounds.
(d) Over four hundred pounds.

11. What do the men in Act 3, Scene 3 sing?
(a) Bawdy songs.
(b) The national anthem.
(c) They do not sing.
(d) Hymns.

12. How does Charles feel when he and Sir Peter enact Sir Peter's scheme?
(a) Astounded.
(b) Angry.
(c) Annoyed.
(d) Amused.

13. What does Sir Peter project to Joseph will be the cause of his loss of Lady Teazle?
(a) His dwindling fortune.
(b) His age.
(c) His lack of intelligence.
(d) His weight.

14. What is the occupation of the person who forces Sir Oliver and his companion to wait in Act 3, Scene 2?
(a) Lawyer.
(b) Money-lender.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Butler.

15. What is it that Sir Oliver wants to know whether Charles Surface has at his disposal?
(a) A ship to transport goods to China.
(b) A housekeeping staff.
(c) Anything that he can sell to raise capital on his own.
(d) A carriage that he can borrow from him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who accompanies Sir Oliver at the beginning of Act 3, Scene 2?

2. What do Charles and Joseph agree upon in Act 5, Scene 3?

3. What does Trip appear to be learning from Charles Surface?

4. What opportunity does Sir Oliver see in Charles's plan?

5. Who reveals to Charles and Joseph who Sir Oliver really is?

(see the answer keys)

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