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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Lisiek was shot dead by Goeth for what infraction?
2. On April 29, 1942, where does Oskar Schindler go?
3. When Oskar and Goeth meet in Chapter 20, each realizes the other is in Cracow to do what?
4. In Chapter One, Oskar Schindler meets Eberhard Gebauer, who offers Schindler the opportunity to join the. . .
5. In the Prologue, Schindler remarks that Goeth turns into what when drunk?
Short Essay Questions
1. Write a short description of what you think an Aktion would have looked like to a Jew in Cracow in 1940.
2. Oskar Schindler, a man very much like his father, apparently married a woman very much like his mother. What reason does Keneally give for Oskar's decision to marry Emilie?
3. How does witnessing the activities in Krakusa Street affect Schindler?
4. Mila and Poldek Pfefferberg meet and marry in the Jewish ghetto. Why might Keneally have included this information in the midst of the ghetto clearance, in which thousands were killed.
5. Of the approximately 10,000 men who began the march from Auschwitz toward Gross-Rosen, about how many actually arrived, and what happened to those who didn't?
6. What types of professions merited a blue sticker on the new identity cards, as described in Chapter 13?
7. After arriving in Munich, where did Oskar and Emilie initially lodge?
8. Of Schindler's first arrest, Keneally writes "he would have enjoyed a radio." What does that tell you about Schindler?
9. In an ironic twist, Amon Goeth is arrested in Chapter 31, not for crimes against the prisoners, but for embezzlement. To some of the prisoners, though, like Helen Hirsch and Mietek Pemper, this was worse than a more serious charge. Why?
10. Why do you think the shopkeepers at the beginning of Chapter 2 accepted worthless currency in exchange for perfectly good bolts of cloth?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Examine the different ways Oskar Schindler defies authority. Although he doesn't participate in outright defiance, like bombing buildings, his defiance is still measurable. Describe at least three ways Oskar defies "the system," and give specific examples from the book.
Essay Topic 2
Chapter 17 opens with the statement, "even in the autumn of 1942, the Zionists of Palestine, let alone the population of the world, knew nothing but rumors of what was happening in Europe." Based on your reading of the book and any other activities you've completed, discuss the communication of the early 1940's. Why did no one know what was going on in Germany and Poland? What kinds of news media were available? Who owned them? Do you think the secrecy was part of the Nazi plan? If they believed that their "ethnic cleansing" was the right thing to do, then why was it kept so secret?
Essay Topic 3
Oskar Schindler resisted the Nazi occupation by hiring Jews, rather than choosing a more vocal or forceful resistance. Why do you think he chose this path? Potentially, he could have been more vocal, or even have become a spy, since he had some experience in that field. Talk about other forms of resistance he could have chosen, and why you believe, based on what you've read in the book, he chose to "resist" via his factory. Use at least one specific example from the book to back up your statement.
This section contains 845 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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