Schindler's List Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Schindler's List Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where were Schindler's female workers sent, rather than Brinnlitz?
(a) Auschwitz.
(b) Birkenau.
(c) Breslau.
(d) Belzec.

2. What does Emilie Schindler travel to Ostrava to get?
(a) Diamonds, vodka, and bolts of woolen material.
(b) Ointments, sulfa, and vitamins.
(c) Wheat, corn, and vegetables.
(d) Vodka and wine.

3. When Oskar returns to Cracow from the Sudetenland, what does he find has happened to two of his barracks?
(a) The Luftwaffe has strafed them with bullets.
(b) They were destroyed by the SS.
(c) They have fallen off their foundations.
(d) An Allied bomber has crashed into them.

4. The telegram from Hassebroeck to Liepold gave instructions for what?
(a) Driving the prisoners east if the Americans arrived in the area.
(b) Disposal of the prisoners in the event the Russians drew near.
(c) Contacting Hitler or Himmler if he could escape to Berlin.
(d) Locking the prisoners inside the electrified fences while the SS men escaped.

5. At what event does Madritsch inform Oskar that he won't be taking his workers to Moravia?
(a) At a Plaszow graduation party.
(b) At Mass on the first Sunday in December, 1944.
(c) At a party after Amon Goeth was released on bail.
(d) At a secret prayer vigil for ending the war.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the reason Oskar usually gave to keep German officers away from his prisoners?

2. What gift does Oskar bring Amon Goeth at the beginning of Chapter 29?

3. Who does Oskar bring to Emalia at the beginning of Chapter 23?

4. Oskar began working for what institution?

5. What signal did Schindler want Stern to use to point out an item of interest to Sedlacek and Babar?

(see the answer keys)

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