Schindler's List Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Schindler's List Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reason does Schindler give Goeth for continuing his enamelware operations without change?
(a) Potential interference from the SS.
(b) Potential industrial problems.
(c) Potential loss of his license.
(d) Potential loss of profit.

2. According to Keneally, Hitler switched from shooting Jews to gassing them after what event?
(a) After two SS guards were accidentally wounded from ricocheting rounds.
(b) After Leni Riefenstahl had complained about witnessing the execution of a line of Jews with automatic weapons.
(c) After three Jews had survived an attempted killing and successfully escaped the city.
(d) After witnesses from the United Nations heard about the killing from the sounds of gunfire.

3. How much does Helen Hirsch pay Schindler to rescue her sister?
(a) 4,000 zloty.
(b) 1,000 zloty.
(c) 2,000 zloty.
(d) 3,000 zloty.

4. When new identity cards are issued, what do workers at Schindler's Emalia factory get stamped on theirs?
(a) A red "X".
(b) A large blue "J" sticker.
(c) A blue "Emalia" stamp.
(d) A red Star of David.

5. How much does Oskar use to bribe the SS man to buy him a bottle of vodka in Chapter 11?
(a) 40 zloty.
(b) 60 zloty.
(c) 50 zloty.
(d) 75 zloty.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lisiek was shot dead by Goeth for what infraction?

2. How many women did Schindler estimate were to live in each barracks in Plaszow?

3. In the Prologue, what does Goeth refer to Schindler as?

4. How much did Oskar send his father in a monthly bank draft?

5. In Chapter Two, Itzhak Stern tells Schindler the phrase that he thinks encouraged Schindler to save all those Jews later in the war. What was that phrase?

Short Essay Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter 14, Keneally says "Even in the summer of 1942 it was impossible to guess at the connections between such a man as this and those ovens of extraordinary cubic capacity." What does he mean by this?

2. In Chapter 31, Schindler tries to convince Madritsch to move his factory, along with Emalia, and work together to save even more Jews than Oskar could save alone. What reasoning does Keneally give for Madritsch's refusal to agree to this right away.

3. Explain why you think pharmacist Bachner returned from Prokocim to the Cracow ghetto, rather than trying to escape to freedom.

4. At the beginning of Chapter 6, Keneally describes Oskar Schindler using "portable wealth--diamonds, gold, trade goods" as the desirable currency of the day. Describe some of the "trade goods" that you think might have been used as currency or barter since much of the Jewish wealth had been confiscated.

5. How does witnessing the activities in Krakusa Street affect Schindler?

6. In Chapter 1, Keneally says "For Oskar, the Thirties must have seemed a mere epilogue to his glorious mistake on the Altvater circuit in the summer of '28." What does he mean by that?

7. Keneally writes that Schindler was "frightened" after his second arrest. What was different this time that made him unable to laugh off this arrest as he did the first?

8. In Chapter 21, Keneally writes, "they thought of him as a good enough fellow who'd been stricken with a form of Jew-love as with a virus. . . But he would have to pay for his disease." What does Keneally mean by that?

9. Oskar eventually returns to Frankfurt, where he decides to go into industry again. What type of business does he open?

10. What did people like the Rosner brothers and Manci Rosner bring with them when they went to the countryside to "lose themselves among the peasants"?

(see the answer keys)

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