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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. After Oskar's birthday party in 1942, what happens?
(a) He gets drunk and talks to a Jew.
(b) He gives everyone at Emalia the rest of the day off.
(c) He is arrested for the second time.
(d) His workers have to hide from the SS troops.
2. In Chapter 7, Itzhak Stern visits Schindler to tell him that a family was spreading stories about Schindler. How does Keneally refer to this family?
(a) The 5 Spitzes.
(b) The Rosenzweigs, Senior and Junior.
(c) The Arbberg Clan.
(d) The Cs.
3. What does the SS force former jeweler Mordecai Wulkan to do?
(a) Create new Nazi jewelry from melted-down Jewish jewelry.
(b) Remove the diamonds from Jewish rings.
(c) Sell gold and silver on the black market.
(d) Separate and grade the valuables from dead Jews.
4. By midsummer of 1940, how many people were employed at Schindler's Emalia plant?
(a) 50.
(b) 250.
(c) 125.
(d) 75.
5. What gift does Schindler give Helen Hirsch?
(a) A jacket.
(b) A candy bar.
(c) Some leftovers from dinner.
(d) Money.
Short Answer Questions
1. When speaking with Oskar in Chapter 12, Philip finds some graffiti on the wall written in Polish. Philip translates it. What did it say?
2. Oskar Schindler dreamed of growing up to become. . .
3. Poldek Pfefferberg changes his profession from schoolteacher to what, in order to begin working for Schindler?
4. In what year was Oskar Schindler born?
5. How long did Schindler court Emilie before marrying her?
Short Essay Questions
1. Explain why you think pharmacist Bachner returned from Prokocim to the Cracow ghetto, rather than trying to escape to freedom.
2. At the beginning of Chapter 6, Keneally describes Oskar Schindler using "portable wealth--diamonds, gold, trade goods" as the desirable currency of the day. Describe some of the "trade goods" that you think might have been used as currency or barter since much of the Jewish wealth had been confiscated.
3. The Trustees of Yad Vashem began to collect testimonies regarding Oskar. Were all of them positive? If not, what was a complaint?
4. In Chapter 33, Keneally describes three women who made it into the line of women heading for Schindler's camp in Brinnlitz. He says, "for her as for the other two, it was a birthday." What does he mean by that?
5. Why do you think the shopkeepers at the beginning of Chapter 2 accepted worthless currency in exchange for perfectly good bolts of cloth?
6. Describe how some of the women escaped Gross-Rosen and made it onto "Schindler's list."
7. The ghetto's last morning, as detailed in Chapter 20, was on a Shabbat. Amon Goeth was in Peace Square to supervise. Discuss the imagery Keneally wrote into this scene, and how that imagery made the scene more effective.
8. What did people like the Rosner brothers and Manci Rosner bring with them when they went to the countryside to "lose themselves among the peasants"?
9. What benefits does Leopold Pfefferberg bring to the ghetto citizenry via his membership in the OD?
10. Chapter 17 has only two main parts: the arrival of dentist Sedlacek in Cracow and Oskar's subsequent decision to help the man and the story of jeweler Wulkan, who ends up removing gold crowns from dead Jews' teeth. Why do you think Keneally juxtaposed these two stories in the same chapter?
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