Schindler's List Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Schindler's List Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Poldek Pfefferberg hide while looking for his wife?
(a) In the attic of his apartment.
(b) Behind an iron gate.
(c) In the sewers.
(d) In Dr. H's apartment.

2. What signal did Schindler want Stern to use to point out an item of interest to Sedlacek and Babar?
(a) Cough twice.
(b) Bend down and tie his shoestring.
(c) Put his hands in his pockets.
(d) Adjust his hat.

3. What location does engineer Sussmuth recommend to Oskar as the location of his new plant?
(a) The Breslau family's grain factory, now idle.
(b) The Zvitava shoe factory.
(c) The abandoned dish factory in Zwittau.
(d) The Hoffman brothers' annex in Brinnlitz.

4. With what does Oskar bribe his old friend Otto Rasch?
(a) Ten cartons of cigarettes.
(b) A brilliant-cut diamond.
(c) A kilo of tea.
(d) Three bottles of whiskey.

5. When Oskar returns to Cracow from the Sudetenland, what does he find has happened to two of his barracks?
(a) An Allied bomber has crashed into them.
(b) They have fallen off their foundations.
(c) They were destroyed by the SS.
(d) The Luftwaffe has strafed them with bullets.

6. Who does Oskar approach in Berlin about relocating his factory and its workers?
(a) Colonel Erich Lange.
(b) Commandant Hermann Goring.
(c) Reichsfuhrer Karl Hanke.
(d) Commander Kurt Gerstein.

7. Raimund Titsch meets with Amon Goeth to do what?
(a) Plan shipments of Jews.
(b) Discuss weapons.
(c) Change figures in the books of the camps.
(d) Play chess.

8. Who was the engineer of Schindler's new housing for his workers?
(a) Rolf Hammerschmith.
(b) Wilek Chilowicz.
(c) Willi Kunde.
(d) Adam Garde.

9. In Jerusalem, Oskar was declared to be what?
(a) A Talmud Hero.
(b) A Yad Vashem.
(c) A Brinnlitz Survivor.
(d) A Righteous Person.

10. At what event does Madritsch inform Oskar that he won't be taking his workers to Moravia?
(a) At a party after Amon Goeth was released on bail.
(b) At Mass on the first Sunday in December, 1944.
(c) At a secret prayer vigil for ending the war.
(d) At a Plaszow graduation party.

11. In Chapter 31, Goeth sends Helen Hirsch a note requesting several items. What are they?
(a) 1,000 zloty and a bottle of his best wine.
(b) A field telephone and his phone book.
(c) A warm jacket, boots, and his Bible.
(d) Some clothes, romance and detective novels, and some liquor.

12. Young Richard Rosner was never able to go to a children's playground again without growing hysterical at the sight of what piece of equipment?
(a) The merry-go-round.
(b) The rainbow bars.
(c) The teeter totter.
(d) The swing frames.

13. Oskar began working for what institution?
(a) The German National Congress.
(b) German Friends of Hebrew University.
(c) The Schindlerjuden Institute.
(d) The Polish History Society.

14. Where did Oskar and Emilie initially settle after the war?
(a) Munich.
(b) Brinnlitz.
(c) Cracow.
(d) Leningrad.

15. What was the name of the secret, postwar society of SS men?
(a) SSTMT.
(d) SOSSM.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of factory did Schindler open, using capital from the Joint Distribution Committee and "loans" from some Schindler Jews?

2. What did Mietek Pemper think would be entered in the blank spaces left in Amon Goeth's report regarding the "insurrection"?

3. What did the prisoners give Schindler for his 37th birthday?

4. What is the parallel that Keneally draws with Amon and Oskar's card game?

5. Who did Amon Goeth consider calling as witnesses in his defense when he was tried for war crimes?

(see the answer keys)

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