Schindler's List Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Schindler's List Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Oskar bring to Emalia at the beginning of Chapter 23?
(a) Ingrid and Ricard Baume.
(b) Luisa Kleinfeld.
(c) Regina, Niusia, and Richard Horowitz.
(d) Dolek Horowitz.

2. What card game do Oskar and Amon Goeth play in Chapter 30?
(a) Blackjack.
(b) War.
(c) Go fish.
(d) Poker.

3. In Chapter 22, Goeth tells Schindler he can keep his factory workers on the premises, "as long as you don't want. . . . "
(a) My musicians or my maid.
(b) To keep their wages for yourself.
(c) My chef and his helpers.
(d) To waste space within your factory for their sleeping quarters.

4. How many people does Keneally say were found hiding by the SS and killed in the final clearance of the Jewish ghetto in Cracow?
(a) 4,000.
(b) 2,000.
(c) 3,000.
(d) 5,000.

5. What was the reason Oskar usually gave to keep German officers away from his prisoners?
(a) The prisoners have typhus and you must stay clear.
(b) I can't be bothered with your petty rules.
(c) I've got high priority war contracts (or something similar).
(d) I have the ear of the Fuhrer.

6. Oskar began working for what institution?
(a) The Schindlerjuden Institute.
(b) German Friends of Hebrew University.
(c) The German National Congress.
(d) The Polish History Society.

7. Many of the German soldiers and officers who killed the Jews are reported in the book as resorting to what solace?
(a) Cocaine.
(b) Going AWOL.
(c) Alcohol.
(d) Turning state's evidence.

8. How much was Schindler spending each month on black-market food for his workers?
(a) 35,000 zloty.
(b) 50,000 zloty.
(c) 25,000 zloty
(d) 10,000 zloty.

9. What type of activity did Oskar tell Hassebroeck that Liepold longed to do, and so should be given the opportunity?
(a) Equestrian officer.
(b) Chef.
(c) Combat.
(d) Supply officer.

10. What did the prisoners give Schindler for his 37th birthday?
(a) A loaf of bread.
(b) A small metal box.
(c) A wooden box.
(d) A woven bracelet.

11. By the autumn of 1944, how many people were employed in Madritch's uniform factory?
(a) More than 4,000 people.
(b) More than 1,000 people.
(c) More than 3,000 people.
(d) More than 2,000 people.

12. Oskar, Emilie and the rest of the Brinnlitz group were caught after slipping through a wire fence into what country?
(a) Germany.
(b) Czechoslovakia.
(c) Switzerland.
(d) Poland.

13. What phrase was on the posters that went up in Oskar's hometown?
(a) Keep the Jewish criminals out.
(b) No Jews, no way!
(c) Jews--lice--danger.
(d) We'll win the war without you, Jew.

14. What happens to Amon Goeth in Chapter 31?
(a) He is arrested.
(b) He is killed.
(c) His camp is closed.
(d) He is promoted to Hauptsturmfuhrer.

15. What disease did the lice carry?
(a) Typhus.
(b) Influenza.
(c) Dysentery.
(d) Cancer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Schindler do with the confiscated Wohlfeiler papers?

2. Dolek Horowitz believed the Jews sent from Emalia to Plaszow would be extricated by Schindler because he had. . .

3. During the winter of 1944-45, how many people does Keneally state that Schindler and Sussmuth managed to get out of Auschwitz?

4. About what did the SS question Helen Hirsch?

5. Raimund Titsch meets with Amon Goeth to do what?

(see the answer keys)

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