Schindler's List Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Schindler's List Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Two truckloads of what food arrived on the day of Oskar's 37th birthday?
(a) Parsnips.
(b) Onions.
(c) Ground wheat.
(d) White bread.

2. What information did Schindler finally hear, when he and Adam Garde listened to the radio?
(a) That a shipment of Jews had been discovered by British troops, and their secret was out.
(b) That reports of Hitler's death were greatly exaggerated.
(c) That Poland had fallen to the Russians.
(d) That Allied troops had entered Germany.

3. From what disease does Amon Goeth suffer?
(a) Liver disease.
(b) Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy.
(c) Pancreatic cancer.
(d) Asthma.

4. Oskar's speech on the factory floor promised that he would remain at Brinnlitz until when?
(a) Until the end of hostilities was announced.
(b) Until the Americans came to liberate the camp.
(c) Until each prisoner had enough money to return home.
(d) Until Amon Goeth was arrested.

5. Raimund Titsch meets with Amon Goeth to do what?
(a) Play chess.
(b) Plan shipments of Jews.
(c) Discuss weapons.
(d) Change figures in the books of the camps.

6. What type of factory did Schindler open, using capital from the Joint Distribution Committee and "loans" from some Schindler Jews?
(a) A flooring factory.
(b) A cement factory.
(c) A fish farm.
(d) A sawmill.

7. Benjamin Wrozlawski and Roman Wilner jumped from Ostbahn cars in an escape attempt. What happened to Roman Wilner?
(a) He escaped by disguising himself as a German woman.
(b) He was shot and killed by the guards.
(c) He got out, but tripped and was run over by the train.
(d) He was wounded, but still able to flee.

8. What does Oskar do for the prisoners in the cattle cars in Chapter 29?
(a) Convinces Amon Goeth to delay the shipment of prisoners.
(b) Bribes the guards to turn away so a few prisoners can escape.
(c) Hoses down the cars with water and distributes food.
(d) Hires two doctors among the prisoners for his Emalia plant.

9. Why was Mietek Pemper ordered arrested by a judge?
(a) Because Pemper said that Goeth knew the Russians were coming.
(b) Because Pemper had typed most of Goeth's correspondence.
(c) Because Pemper knew where Goeth had hidden his pilfered goods, but Pemper wouldn't tell the police.
(d) Because Goeth had shown Pemper secret documents.

10. Does an actual list of Schindler survivors exist?
(a) Yes, in the archives of the Yad Vashem.
(b) No, no such list survived the war.
(c) Yes, in the Polish National Museum.
(d) Yes, in the Jewish Museum in Israel.

11. Of the 10,000 men who were marched toward Gross-Rosen, how many did Moshe Henigman say were alive after 10 days?
(a) 2,500.
(b) 1,000.
(c) 1,200.
(d) 1,500.

12. What did the prisoners give Schindler for his 37th birthday?
(a) A woven bracelet.
(b) A small metal box.
(c) A wooden box.
(d) A loaf of bread.

13. When Schindler breaks into the abandoned warehouse in Chapter 37, what does he find?
(a) Chopin vodka.
(b) Wyborowa vodka.
(c) Marlboro cigarettes.
(d) Egipski cigarettes.

14. Dr. Steinberg, a prisoner in a Moravian work camp, describes obtaining a pass and a truck to visit Brinnlitz. What did he usually return to his Luftwaffe camp with?
(a) Bread, semolina, potatoes and cigarettes.
(b) Bread, Cream of Wheat, and sometimes a few vegetables.
(c) Bread and soup.
(d) Bread, cheap wine, rice and water.

15. Who did Amon order to shoot Helen Hirsch?
(a) Petr and Ivan.
(b) Eric Sussmuth.
(c) Governor General Frank.
(d) An SS Sergeant.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much was Schindler spending each month on black-market food for his workers?

2. Regina Perlman visits Schindler in order to do what?

3. What did Mietek Pemper think would be entered in the blank spaces left in Amon Goeth's report regarding the "insurrection"?

4. With what does Oskar bribe his old friend Otto Rasch?

5. The telegram from Hassebroeck to Liepold gave instructions for what?

(see the answer keys)

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