Schindler's List Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Schindler's List Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the oldest person at the dinner party described in the Prologue?
(a) Amon Goeth.
(b) Franz Bosch.
(c) Oskar Schindler.
(d) Raimund Titsch.

2. What does Schindler tell Helen Hirsch before he leaves?
(a) "Watch your back."
(b) "Keep your health."
(c) "You're welcome."
(d) "Be careful."

3. In Chapter 4, Schindler tries to warn Itzhak Stern about. . .
(a) The drowning of the local rabbi next week.
(b) An SS invasion of Kazimierz the next day.
(c) An SS spy operating in their neighborhood.
(d) The imminent seizure of their property.

4. What restaurant did the ZOB bomb?
(a) The Bohemia.
(b) The Polska.
(c) The Warszawa.
(d) The Cyganeria.

5. What disease did Schindler find the Jewish women fending off in the ghetto by scrubbing and boiling clothes?
(a) Diptheria.
(b) Cholera.
(c) Typhus.
(d) Influenza.

6. How does Leopold Pfefferberg escape his imprisonment in the Cracow train station?
(a) By bribing the guard at the door with 1,000 zloty.
(b) By showing an official-looking document to a soldier who couldn't read German.
(c) By forging a pass from Hitler himself.
(d) By taking the guard's gun and threatening him with it.

7. The Judenrat was what?
(a) The Jewish Religious Society.
(b) The Jewish Government.
(c) The Jewish Council.
(d) The Jewish Police Force.

8. Amon Goeth attempts to convince Schindler and Madritch to do what?
(a) Provide better working conditions for the Jews.
(b) Quit hiring Jews and send them all to Plaszow.
(c) Let SS officers become supervisors at the plants.
(d) Move their factories inside Plaszow labor camp.

9. After the December 4th Aktion, Itzhak Stern decides that Oskar Schindler is:
(a) A Hasidei Ummot Ha-olam.
(b) A just Goy.
(c) A Wehrmacht officer.
(d) A spy for the Germans.

10. In the Prologue, Schindler remarks that Goeth turns into what when drunk?
(a) A happy drunk.
(b) A sadist.
(c) A masochist.
(d) A blubbering idiot.

11. How does Poldek Pfefferberg get the Blauschein on his identity card?
(a) By pretending he doesn't speak any German.
(b) By sweet-talking the female clerk.
(c) By saying he's a metal polisher.
(d) By pretending he's from the Judenrat.

12. What percentage does Schindler say he'll take as courier for the resistance?
(a) Zero.
(b) Ten percent.
(c) Twelve percent.
(d) Five percent.

13. What does the SS force former jeweler Mordecai Wulkan to do?
(a) Separate and grade the valuables from dead Jews.
(b) Sell gold and silver on the black market.
(c) Create new Nazi jewelry from melted-down Jewish jewelry.
(d) Remove the diamonds from Jewish rings.

14. According to the Prologue, Herr Schindler approached his dinner at Commandant Goethe's with. . .
(a) Hunger.
(b) Loathing.
(c) Anticipation.
(d) Trepidation.

15. By November 1, 1940, Governor General Frank had moved how many Jewish volunteers out of Cracow?
(a) 25,000.
(b) 18,000.
(c) 20,000.
(d) 23,000.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened to the Jews at prayer in the Stara Boznica synagogue when the Einsatzgruppe squad arrived?

2. How does Dr. H help the bedridden patients avoid the SS Aktion?

3. In Chapter 11, Szymon Jereth is the "unofficial manager" of what?

4. In Chapter 8, for whose sake did Oskar Schindler attend church on Christmas morning?

5. In the Prologue, how does Schindler kiss the prostitutes invited to dinner?

(see the answer keys)

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