Schindler's List Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Schindler's List Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 1-5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lisiek was shot dead by Goeth for what infraction?
(a) Not coming quick enough when Goeth called him.
(b) Not having dinner ready on time.
(c) Harnessing a horse and buggy without first asking permission.
(d) Leaving a ring around Goeth's bathtub.

2. Helen Hirsch refers to Schindler's enamelware factory by what name?
(a) Schindler's Salvation.
(b) Schindler's Hope.
(c) Schindler's Emalia.
(d) Schindler's Heaven.

3. How much does Helen Hirsch pay Schindler to rescue her sister?
(a) 1,000 zloty.
(b) 4,000 zloty.
(c) 3,000 zloty.
(d) 2,000 zloty.

4. What was the "solution" Hitler came up with for getting rid of the Jews?
(a) Zyklon B.
(b) Sodium Hydroxide.
(c) Hydrogen Peroxide.
(d) Chromium B.

5. What was the name of Schindler's beautiful Polish secretary?
(a) Victoria Klonowska.
(b) Veronika Shastain.
(c) Anika Biberstein.
(d) Lena Hirsch.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long did Schindler court Emilie before marrying her?

2. In the Prologue, the narrator remarks that only Schindler, Madritsch, and Titsch regularly spent money on this commodity. What is it?

3. In Chapter Two, Oskar Schindler meets a Jewish accountant named. . .

4. Oskar Schindler dreamed of growing up to become. . .

5. In what year was Oskar Schindler born?

(see the answer key)

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