Say You're One of Them Test | Final Test - Medium

Uwem Akpan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Say You're One of Them Test | Final Test - Medium

Uwem Akpan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Two people who share a close bond are able to _________________________.
(a) Finish each other's sentences.
(b) Instill insecurities in each other.
(c) Communicate messages to each other.
(d) Make each other angry.

2. What does Madam Aniema do to the soldier to calm him down?
(a) Sings to him.
(b) Offers him some food.
(c) Rubs his hands.
(d) Sprinkles holy water on him.

3. Why does the narrator scream at Selam?
(a) She is boarding a train.
(b) She is swerving on her bike.
(c) Selam had talked to Hadiya.
(d) She made a soccer goal.

4. Why do the narrator's parents no longer want her to play with a certain girl?
(a) She is Muslim.
(b) She is rude.
(c) She is a bad influence.
(d) She is disrespectful.

5. Why is the bus unable to leave as scheduled?
(a) The roads out of the city are blocked.
(b) The weather is too perilous.
(c) The driver can't be found.
(d) There is engine trouble.

Short Answer Questions

1. This story is told from which point of view?

2. Why does Selam suddenly rush off her balcony and back into her apartment?

3. A man named Emeka takes care of another man who has ___________________.

4. What is Jubril's religion?

5. The narrator and her best friend vacation with ___________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the main point of the story, "What Language is That"?

2. Who is Jubril and why must he disguise his religious identity aboard a bus headed out of the city?i

3. What is the message of the story at the end?

4. What is notable about the story "What Language is That?"

5. Why are the narrator and Selam no longer allowed to play together?

6. What is at the base of all the trivial conflicts in the story?

7. How do the narrator and Selam find a way to communicate with each other when they are not allowed to play together?

8. How had Jubril lost his right hand and why is it important for him to hide that fact while on the bus?

9. Who is Hadiya and how does she impact the relationship between the narrator and Selam?

10. How is the story, "What Language is That"? different from the other stories in this book?

(see the answer keys)

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