Say You're One of Them Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Uwem Akpan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Say You're One of Them Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Uwem Akpan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Fofo Kpee give the children to calm them down about meeting their adoptive parents?
(a) Gin.
(b) Cocoa.
(c) Wine.
(d) Juice.

2. What does Jigana want to do to Maisha's clients?
(a) Strangle them.
(b) Fight them.
(c) Stab them.
(d) Shoot them.

3. Fofo Kpee tells the congregation that his new riches come from ______________________.
(a) A lawsuit settlement.
(b) A lottery win.
(c) A new job.
(d) The childrens' parents.

4. How does Maisha make money for the family?
(a) She is a prostitute.
(b) She sews.
(c) She cleans houses.
(d) She works in the fields.

5. Kotchikpa realizes that their hut is going to be ___________________________.
(a) A new school.
(b) Torn down.
(c) The housing center for the trafficked children.
(d) A drug den.

6. What new name does Mama give to Kotchikpa?
(a) Pierre.
(b) Pascal.
(c) Pieter.
(d) Paul.

7. Which sibling of Maisha's is the only one she will allow to hang out on the street with her?
(a) Otieno.
(b) Naema.
(c) Atieno.
(d) Jigana.

8. What does the guard force the children to drink?
(a) Unsweetened tea.
(b) Warm milk.
(c) Salt water.
(d) Castor oil.

9. Who arrives unexpectedly one night to say that the children will be leaving within the week?
(a) Mama.
(b) Papa.
(c) Big Guy.
(d) Monsieur Abraham.

10. Kotchikpa is surprised to find that ____________________ has been in on the plot all along.
(a) Big Guy.
(b) Monsieur Abraham.
(c) Raphael.
(d) Mama.

11. What does Fofo do one night that frightens the children?
(a) Sets the house on fire.
(b) Cuts his arms with a knife.
(c) Ties them to their beds.
(d) He masturbates near their beds.

12. What does Baba use to fan the chemicals out of the house?
(a) A paper plate.
(b) An electric fan.
(c) The door of the shack.
(d) A newspaper.

13. What does the guard tell the children?
(a) They are going back to school.
(b) They are going away to military school.
(c) They are to be sold.
(d) They will never leave the house again.

14. What is notable about the man in #39?
(a) He is crippled.
(b) He has a scar on his face.
(c) He is deaf.
(d) He has white hair.

15. What does Naema's boyfriend give her on Christmas?
(a) A gift card.
(b) A cooked chicken leg.
(c) A locket.
(d) A scarf.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Yewa not want to go to school?

2. Fofo makes the children memorize _____________________.

3. How old is Yewa?

4. Even though Kotchikpa no longer wants to travel to Gabon with Mama and Papa, Yewa is still allured by Western food and ___________________.

5. Where does Fofo Kpee take the children on their first ride on the motorcycle?

(see the answer keys)

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