Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patrick Radden Keefe
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patrick Radden Keefe
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 8, what did Gerry Adams tell Frank Steele he wanted to do one day?
(a) Blow up Parliament.
(b) Run for Prime Minister.
(c) Go back to bartending.
(d) Earn a college degree.

2. In Chapter 9, what did a man bring to the door of the McConville's flat about a week after Jean disappeared?
(a) A lock of her hair.
(b) A note from Jean.
(c) Her rings and her purse.
(d) Her shoes.

3. In Chapter 8, where did Gerry Adams and others meet with British representatives in the summer of 1972?
(a) Stormont.
(b) Buckingham Palace.
(c) An estate house in Chelsea.
(d) Dublin Castle.

4. In Chapter 3, what religion was Jean McConville raised in?
(a) Muslim.
(b) Protestant.
(c) Catholic.
(d) Jewish.

5. In Chapter 4, who was the young Palestinian woman garnering attention for hijacking a plane?
(a) Leland Rona.
(b) Leila Khaled.
(c) Moana Ricci.
(d) Maz Johoni.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 12, how did Brendan Hughes escape from Long Kesh?

2. In Chapter 4, who saved Dolours Price from having her gun discovered at a British Army checkpoint?

3. In Chapter 8, who did Hughes determine shot the IRA man whose shooting he was investigating?

4. In Chapter 11, who answered the phone at The Times of London to take the tip about the imminent bombings in London?

5. In Chapter 6, who personally brought a doctor to see Hughes at risk to himself?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 2, how was Dolours influenced by what happened at Burntollet Bridge?

2. In Chapter 8, what bombing campaign did Brendan Hughes help to plan in 1972?

3. In Chapter 4, why is Eamonn McCann dismayed when he figures out his friend Dolours Price has joined the Provos?

4. In Chapter 11, what did Price and the other Provos do the night before setting off their car bombs in London in 1973?

5. In Chapter 9, when did Michael McConville realize his mother was dead?

6. In Chapter 12, who and what was involved in one of the IRA's boldest escapes from prison?

7. In Chapter 9, what happened to the McConville children after their mother Jean disappeared?

8. In Chapter 8, what was the HMP Maidstone's purpose?

9. In Chapter 12, how did Brendan Hughes escape from Long Kesh prison?

10. In Chapter 11, what was Dolours Price's role in the plan to bring the Provisional IRA's bombing campaign directly to London?

(see the answer keys)

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