Savvy Test | Final Test - Easy

Ingrid Law
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Savvy Test | Final Test - Easy

Ingrid Law
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mibs does point out that Bobbi's being a _________ might cause her to prove she isn't a good two shoes all the time.
(a) Good girl.
(b) Single girl.
(c) Pastor's daughter.
(d) Wife.

2. Lill remarks about how ________ a woman Miss Rosemary is, according to the story.
(a) Strong.
(b) Honest.
(c) Beautiful.
(d) Helpful.

3. Who does Lill point out is probably not in, as she takes Mibs to a back room in order to lie down?
(a) Ozzie.
(b) A security guard.
(c) The police.
(d) Sam.

4. Who helps Mibs with her ill-fitting outfit, which is a surprising gesture to the reader?
(a) No one.
(b) Bobbi.
(c) Lill.
(d) Samson.

5. What does Mibs learn about the tattoo that Bobbi has, which explains why she can't hear it anymore?
(a) Temporary.
(b) It was done in jail.
(c) It was just done.
(d) It was done at home.

6. Mibs looks out the window and thinks to herself that it is time for Poppa to ___________.
(a) Wake up.
(b) Dance.
(c) Walk.
(d) Sing.

7. Who yells at Ozzie to show more respect, according to the story?
(a) Samson.
(b) Lester.
(c) Mibs.
(d) Fish.

8. Mother explains that a person will need to _______ his/her savvy in order to learn to control it.
(a) Hide.
(b) Change.
(c) Temper.
(d) Scumble.

9. Plans are being made for the ______ to come take the children back to their home, according to the story.
(a) Troys.
(b) Smiths.
(c) Meeks.
(d) Ungers.

10. What does Ozzie throw at Lill, telling her that it should cover her last check, according to the story?
(a) Water.
(b) Paper.
(c) Food.
(d) Money.

11. What does Mibs tell Lester about Carlene? That she is ____________, according to the story.
(a) Happy.
(b) Cruel.
(c) Excited.
(d) Vengeful.

12. Whose voices has been belittling Lester during the entire trip, according to the story?
(a) Lill's.
(b) Rhonda's.
(c) Anne's.
(d) Carlene's.

13. Who begins to push the children out of the diner after seeing the report on the TV, according to the story?
(a) Ozzie.
(b) Samson.
(c) Lill.
(d) Lester.

14. What does Lill say that she will find for the children when she gets back in control of the situation?
(a) Campsite.
(b) Home.
(c) Motel.
(d) Diner.

15. What does Mibs put on and then suddenly take off, according to the story?
(a) Bathing suit.
(b) Dress.
(c) Ponytail holder.
(d) Lip gloss.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who notices that Will has kissed Mibs and sends some water at them playfully?

2. _______ forgives the children for their lies, knowing that their intentions were good overall.

3. Who has a plan that will allow the children to avoid calling home, according to the story?

4. Who is able to mimic her mother's voice well and fools Lill when she does so?

5. Whose ink is finally washed off, which causes Mibs to feel relieved, according to the story?

(see the answer keys)

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