Saville Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saville Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What nationalities are the prisoners of war Colin interacts with in Part 3, Chapter 14?
(a) French and Spanish.
(b) German and Italian.
(c) English and Irish.
(d) Polish and Russian.

2. Who does Harry give vegetables to in Part 2, Chapter 8?
(a) Mr. Reagan.
(b) Mr. Bletchly.
(c) Mr. Shaw.
(d) Mr. Morrison.

3. What does Colin do after his job on the farm ends?
(a) He hangs out with his friends.
(b) He finds more work.
(c) He helps his mom at home.
(d) He starts to study for the fall.

4. Why does Harry creosote the timbers for his bomb shelter?
(a) To make them easy to saw.
(b) To support the walls.
(c) To build doors.
(d) To keep it water tight.

5. Where does Colin meet Stafford in Part 2, Chapter 11?
(a) During recess.
(b) At the park.
(c) In the principal's office.
(d) In town.

6. Whose voice does Colin hear one day while working on the farm?
(a) Ian's.
(b) Steven's.
(c) Stafford's.
(d) Harry's.

7. What does Colin think about the night before his examinations?
(a) Math and quiz problems.
(b) Making more money than his father.
(c) His mother letting him stay home from school.
(d) His hut with Ian.

8. How long will Colin's bus ride be when he starts school in the fall?
(a) An hour and a half each way.
(b) An hour each way.
(c) A half hour each way.
(d) Ten minutes each way.

9. Where is the hut that Colin and his friends built?
(a) In a valley.
(b) Next to the train tracks.
(c) Behind an incinerator.
(d) By the septic dump.

10. What nickname does Harry's brother, Jack, go by?
(a) Black Jack.
(b) Jack Man.
(c) Jack Jack.
(d) Mad Jack.

11. What did Harry tell Colin about the hospital?
(a) Doctors were his friends.
(b) It was for sick people only.
(c) It closed early.
(d) No children were allowed.

12. Who does Colin get into a fist fight with in Part 3, Chapter 15?
(a) Batty.
(b) Ian.
(c) Stafford.
(d) Michael.

13. What does Batty get involved with in Part 3, Chapter 13?
(a) Building huts.
(b) Playing rugby.
(c) Drinking alcohol.
(d) Working in a coal mine.

14. What job does Colin do when he works on a farm?
(a) Sows seeds.
(b) Feeds animals.
(c) Cuts and bundles grain.
(d) Milks cows.

15. What rugby team is Colin asked to join at his school?
(a) The freshmen team.
(b) The second-string team.
(c) The varsity team.
(d) The junior team.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Colin work on the farm?

2. What does Harry decide not to tell his wife about during their vacation at the seashore?

3. In Part 3, Chapter 13, how is Batty doing in school?

4. What does Harry do after running into his friend in Part 1, Chapter 3?

5. Where does Mr. Bletchley work?

(see the answer keys)

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