The Satanic Verses Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Satanic Verses Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Chamcha do in his apartment?
(a) Make phone calls.
(b) Watch TV.
(c) Kill Pamela.
(d) Break up the furniture.

2. The Satanic verses, multiple marriages, and either old or very young wives are all points of disagreement between what two people?
(a) Gibreel and Saladin
(b) Baal and Hind
(c) Pamela and Allie
(d) Salman and Mahound

3. What sign is given Baal that Mahound is returning to Jahilia?
(a) Butterflies all turn black
(b) A blood tear on the statue of Al-Lat
(c) Gibreel hovering overhead
(d) Cone Mountain shakes

4. What is Chamcha's dream from the old days?
(a) Learning how to play the sitar.
(b) Living in an ivory palace.
(c) Teaching his son to ride a bicycle.
(d) Marrying a princess.

5. What happens to the butterflies?
(a) They suddenly vanish.
(b) They form a circle around the pilgrims.
(c) They stop changing colors.
(d) They turn black.

6. Now out of jail, what is Billy Battuta planning for Gibreel?
(a) A new temple
(b) A movie comeback
(c) A rock band tour
(d) An advertising campaign

7. What does Pamela continue to say about Chamcha?
(a) Everyone is having halucinations.
(b) He is too ugly to be my husband.
(c) I have his death certificate in my hand.
(d) He doesn't exist, such things are not so.

8. How does business suddenly boom at The Curtain?
(a) Hind takes over the operation and brings in new girls.
(b) The twelve whores assume the names of Mahound's twelve wives.
(c) former priestesses of Al-Lat come to join the whores of The Curtain.
(d) Mahound takes to coming there every day with his closest friends.

9. What two women begin to haunt Saladin's dreams?
(a) Pamela and Hind
(b) Anahita and Nasreen
(c) Mishal Sufyan and Zeeny Vakil
(d) Ussa and Manat

10. How does Chamcha appear as he stands among the wreckage of the Hot Wax nightclub?
(a) He is back to normal.
(b) His face is all black.
(c) His goat feet are bigger than ever.
(d) His horns have growqn three feet.

11. What is Hind doing for two years after her seclusion?
(a) Memorizing the Quran
(b) Studying occult books
(c) Planning her escape to Egypt
(d) Writing books for women

12. Why do the villagers not turn back as they wade deeper and deeper into the sea?
(a) They have been drugged by Aeysha.
(b) They have all been hypnotized by the angel.
(c) They are too proud to return to scorn.
(d) They think that only the open believers will not be harmed by the water.

13. What halts progress on Gibreel's film?
(a) The script is rejected and they have to start over.
(b) Billy cannot raise the money.
(c) Billy and Mimi are arrested again in New York.
(d) There is a fire on the sound stage.

14. What does Srinivas, the toy merchant, see coming toward him?
(a) The Archangel Gibreel
(b) The villagers of Titlipur on their pilgrimage
(c) A delegation from Mecca
(d) Rosa Diamond leading a parade of elephants

15. After the girls of The Curtain are jailed, what makes the men afraid?
(a) They had sworn an oath that they never went to The Curtain.
(b) They had violated the laws of segregation of the sexes.
(c) They all knew the names of the girls.
(d) They do not know what may come into Mahound's mind.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens as Aeysha walks toward the protesters trying to stop the pilgrims?

2. What conclusion do the miners reach when the great flood comes?

3. Who recognizes Aeysha in the village of Chatnapatna?

4. When Aeysha proclaims the loss of life as punishment from God, Mirza Saeed retorts that they were all underground. What does Aeysha say?

5. How does Aeysha turn Mirza Saeed's offer to her favor?

(see the answer keys)

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