Sarah's Key Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tatiana de Rosnay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sarah's Key Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tatiana de Rosnay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Julia worry when she gets pregnant?
(a) Genetic conditions that ran in her family.
(b) The idea that her children would be Jewish and therefore persecuted.
(c) Her miscarriages.
(d) Bertrand's infidelities.

2. Where are the people transported to?
(a) A ghetto.
(b) Back home.
(c) A train station.
(d) A bus station.

3. What does the plaque at Vel d'Hiv' tell passersby?
(a) Never forget.
(b) Never let the Germans forget.
(c) Never let this site be built on.
(d) Never let this happen again.

4. What does the girl say is clear from the Doctor's demeanor when he comes to treat Rachel?
(a) He will report them as Jews.
(b) He was helping as many people as he could.
(c) He would not betray the girls' location.
(d) He would not take care of a refugee.

5. What does the girl do when her father tells her what is happening?
(a) Cries.
(b) Passes out.
(c) Becomes hysterical.
(d) Runs away.

6. What does the girl do to her brother?
(a) Tells him to hide.
(b) Loses sight of him.
(c) Tells him to run away.
(d) Locks him in a cubby-hole.

7. Where is "Sarah's Key" set?
(a) London.
(b) Orleans.
(c) Paris.
(d) Prague and Paris.

8. What does the concierge do as the girl and her mother leave the building?
(a) Intervene.
(b) Collapse.
(c) Sneer.
(d) Apologize.

9. What does Julia know instinctively about Mame Tézac's apartment?
(a) It was haunted.
(b) It was where her aunt had locked away her brother.
(c) It was going to be very expensive to restore.
(d) It had belonged to Jews.

10. What do the police tell the people?
(a) That they have to wait for orders.
(b) That they will be sent to work camps.
(c) That they will be sent home soon.
(d) That they will be killed.

11. What promise does the girl make to her brother?
(a) To be back as soon as possible.
(b) To come back that evening.
(c) Never to forget him.
(d) To take care of him.

12. Who do the girl and her mother see in the street?
(a) Other professor's families.
(b) Other political refugees.
(c) Other Jews.
(d) Other immigrants.

13. How is the family transported away from their neighborhood?
(a) By train.
(b) By foot.
(c) By cart.
(d) By bus.

14. How does the narrator explain the fact that Bamber did not know anything about Vel d'Hiv'?
(a) She was old.
(b) She was not Jewish.
(c) She was young.
(d) She was British.

15. When does the girl think she will see the boy again?
(a) Within a few days.
(b) That night.
(c) Never.
(d) At the end of the war.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the waiter at the café tell Julia and Bamber about?

2. What is the girl's father's occupation?

3. How old is the girl?

4. How did the police react when the mother objected to going?

5. What do the police take from the women at Beaune-la-Rolande?

(see the answer keys)

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