Sanibel Flats Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Randy Wayne White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sanibel Flats Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Randy Wayne White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following items is not one of the only three items Ford has left in his refrigerator when Dr. Braun-Richards arrives?
(a) Mayonnaise.
(b) Hard boiled eggs.
(c) Diet Coke
(d) Tuna fish.

2. How old was Jake Hollins when he was kidnapped?
(a) 6-years-old.
(b) 10-years-old.
(c) 12-years-old.
(d) 8-years-old.

3. Which of the following individuals does Ford not request a background check of from the Operations Data Board of National Security Affairs?
(a) Tomlinson.
(b) Rafe Hollins.
(c) Mario DeArmond.
(d) Jessica McClure.

4. Who was Ford's replacement in Costa Rica when he left his business there?
(a) Suarez.
(b) Hollins.
(c) Bernstein.
(d) Riviera.

5. How does Hollins commit suicide?
(a) He hangs himself.
(b) He stabs himself.
(c) He shoots himself.
(d) He drowns himself.

6. Which of the following facts is not true about Donald Cheng?
(a) He smokes cigarettes.
(b) He drinks wine from the bottle.
(c) He weighs 200 pounds.
(d) He is 5'8" tall.

7. What type of wine does Jessica serve Ford on the first night they make love?
(a) Chardonnay.
(b) Shiraz.
(c) Pinot Noir.
(d) Merlot.

8. What article of clothing is Ford missing when he exits the Presidential Palace?
(a) His pants.
(b) His glasses.
(c) His shirt.
(d) His shoes.

9. What type of beverage does Ford offer to Tomlinson after their dinner together?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Beer.
(c) Sherry.
(d) Wine.

10. How does Dr. Marion Ford exit the Presidential Palace in the prologue of the novel?
(a) Through an underground tunnel.
(b) Through a window.
(c) Through the front door.
(d) Through the chimney.

11. What is the name of the boss man who publicly humiliates Jethro at the marina?
(a) Daniel.
(b) Harold.
(c) Billy-Bob.
(d) Willis.

12. What is the name of Ford's old friend who works for the Operations Data Board of National Security Affairs?
(a) Joan Rivers.
(b) Sally Field.
(c) Betty Crocker.
(d) Martha Stewart.

13. Which of the following types of aquatic animal does Ford keep in a tank on his porch?
(a) Shrimp.
(b) Eels.
(c) Octopus.
(d) Squid.

14. What type of fish does Jethro take the out-of-state businessmen to catch aboard his ship?
(a) Herring.
(b) Ladyfish.
(c) Marlin.
(d) Tarpon.

15. In what American State does Ford settle down in after leaving Masagua?
(a) Florida.
(b) Texas.
(c) Louisiana.
(d) California.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following bands is not heard by Ford and Tomlinson blasting from the party across the water?

2. How many executives does the boss man bring with him on the fishing trip in Sanibel?

3. How old was Pilar when she married Balserio?

4. Besides English, what language does Ford speak?

5. What area of science does Ford study?

(see the answer keys)

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