Sanibel Flats Character Descriptions

Randy Wayne White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sanibel Flats Character Descriptions

Randy Wayne White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Sanibel Flats Lesson Plans

Dr. Marion Ford aka Doc

This character is a marine biologist who uses wit and superior intelligence to solve the mystery when a young boy is kidnapped.

Rafe Hollins

This character's son is kidnapped. Later, this character's body is found hanging from a tree after an apparent suicide.

Jethro Nicholes

This character is a local fishing guide at the Dinkin's Marina.


This character is an ex-hippie who holds a doctorate degree from Harvard in Eastern religions.

Jessica McClure

This character is a painter with many connections in the artistic world.

Jake Hollins

This character is kidnapped and ends up in the prison camp of a Central American guerrilla.

Pilar Santana Fuentes Balserio

This character is an efficient political leader who makes tremendous changes and positive movements within Masagua before being sent to live in a convent.

General Julio Zacul

This character is described as a coke addict...

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