Sanctuary Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sanctuary Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What town does Benbow need to reach by dark?
(a) Nashville.
(b) Lake City.
(c) Jefferson.
(d) Tupelo.

2. What is it about Benbow that makes Popeye curious?
(a) A pipe.
(b) His suitcase.
(c) His mustache.
(d) A book.

3. According to Benbow, nature is _________________.
(a) awesome.
(b) fickle.
(c) cruel.
(d) feminine.

4. What kind of songs does the Negro prisoner sing?
(a) Spirituals.
(b) Show tunes.
(c) Pop songs.
(d) Great Depression songs.

5. What is Temple's father's profession?
(a) Politician.
(b) Newspaper editor.
(c) Judge.
(d) Electrician.

6. Goodwin is being treated as a murderer and __________________.
(a) a thief.
(b) an adulterer.
(c) a renegade.
(d) a kidnapper.

7. What is Benbow's profession?
(a) Professor.
(b) Chef.
(c) Attorney.
(d) Minister.

8. Overall, the person in #31 thinks that Temple is _______________.
(a) gifted.
(b) artistic.
(c) naive.
(d) brilliant.

9. Who continues to watch out for Temple?
(a) Tommy.
(b) Van.
(c) Murphy.
(d) Sam.

10. What frustrates Benbow about Goodwin?
(a) He refuses to talk.
(b) He tells his cell mate too much.
(c) He won't see him.
(d) He antagonizes the guards.

11. What has Stevens proven by his recent behavior?
(a) He has not been to college.
(b) He cannot drink like a gentleman.
(c) He is an upper class snob.
(d) He has epilepsy.

12. Where do the men put Stevens after the fight?
(a) The hay loft.
(b) Temple's room.
(c) The veranda.
(d) The kitchen.

13. The person in #31 is prejudiced against _________________.
(a) black people.
(b) Jewish people.
(c) retarded people.
(d) the upper class.

14. What decision does Benbow make that displeases Narcissa?
(a) To abandon his practice.
(b) To move into the family home.
(c) To date a younger woman.
(d) To become a preacher.

15. Who does the sheriff take into custody?
(a) Temple.
(b) Stevens.
(c) Popeye.
(d) Goodwin.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Temple end up in the plantation?

2. What is Stevens not willing to wait for?

3. What does Benbow challenge Popeye to do?

4. Where does Temple wake up?

5. The local boys know where Gowan can find ____________.

(see the answer keys)

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