Sanctuary Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sanctuary Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Stevens get a car after waking up at the Frenchman Place?
(a) He buys one from Goodwin
(b) He borrows one from Ruby
(c) He walks to get one
(d) He finds one in the barn

2. Who protects Temple the first time the men approach her at the Frenchman Place?
(a) Tommy
(b) Benbow
(c) Van
(d) Popeye

3. Who is Ruby in a relationship with?
(a) Tommy
(b) Goodwin
(c) Popeye
(d) Van

4. What does Narcissa worry Benbow is risking by helping Ruby?
(a) His marriage
(b) His career
(c) His education
(d) His religion

5. What does Ruby yell at Temple for?
(a) Being rude to Goodwin
(b) Dressing provocatively
(c) Coming to the house
(d) Not leaving when she could have

6. Where does Benbow’s wife live?
(a) Klimpton
(b) Kingston
(c) Kinston
(d) Karley

7. What is the worst insult Ruby gives Temple?
(a) Heathen
(b) Idiot
(c) Naive
(d) Whore

8. What are the college boys mad at Stevens about?
(a) He wrote a bad story about them
(b) He is black
(c) He has more money than they do
(d) He is dating Temple

9. Who does Narcissa demand be removed from her house?
(a) Ruby
(b) Benbow
(c) Miss Jenny
(d) Temple

10. Where does Goodwin get most of his business from?
(a) Nashville
(b) Jackson
(c) Memphis
(d) Charlottesville

11. Where did Stevens attend college?
(a) Massachusetts
(b) Georgia
(c) Mississippi
(d) Virginia

12. What does Tommy say Popeye is afraid of?
(a) His past
(b) His shadow
(c) His feelings
(d) His mind

13. Who fights with Popeye at the Frenchman Place?
(a) Goodwin
(b) Ruby
(c) Van
(d) Tommy

14. What is Tommy teased about by the others?
(a) He doesn't drink alcohol
(b) He is a virgin
(c) He is smaller than the other men
(d) He is dimwitted

15. What ruins Stevens’s clothes while at the Frenchman Place?
(a) Manure
(b) Coffee
(c) Blood
(d) Mud

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Goodwin make money?

2. What does Ruby warn Temple of at the Frenchman Place?

3. What kind of animal does Tommy own?

4. Who offers to legally represent Goodwin?

5. What is Stevens most embarrassed about after leaving Taylor?

(see the answer keys)

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