Sam Walton, Made in America: My Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sam Walton, Made in America: My Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of farm does Sam's family have?
(a) A turkey farm.
(b) A dairy farm.
(c) An apple farm.
(d) A chicken farm.

2. Although Sam is a small man at only 130 pounds, he works very hard and gets his letter in the sport of ___________.
(a) Basketball.
(b) Baseball.
(c) Football.
(d) Tennis.

3. Sam's appreciation for the dollar is further ingrained when he meets ______________.
(a) His first boss.
(b) His wife.
(c) His uncle, L.S. Robson.
(d) His wife's father, L.S. Robson.

4. Sam starts to hear about discounting companies. He knows that discounting is the way of the future but is fully immersed in what?
(a) Discount stores.
(b) Franchising.
(c) Variety stores.
(d) Boutiques.

5. It is 1962 and many of the successful discounters are doing what, of which Sam seems to disapprove?
(a) Driving fancy cars and living in large homes.
(b) Building new stores.
(c) Selling low-quality products.
(d) Buying out stores.

6. While debating the idea of going public, Sam flies around looking for _________.
(a) Locations for new stores.
(b) Another $1.5 million loan.
(c) Someone to legally represent him.
(d) New executives.

7. This book is Sam's attempt to __________________.
(a) Earn extra money for his family.
(b) Clear the misconceptions about him, his business, and most importantly, his views on how to build a successful company.
(c) Build up Wal-Mart's popularity.
(d) Make himself famous.

8. What is significant about Sam's bet regarding being an Eagle Scout?
(a) He is the youngest in the state of Missouri at the time.
(b) He never became an Eagle Scout.
(c) He helped his sons become Eagle Scouts.
(d) He never truly wanted to be a Boy Scout.

9. A number of employees have gained a great deal of financial wealth from ____________.
(a) Working long hours.
(b) The profit-sharing program.
(c) Becoming managers.
(d) Becoming executives.

10. What does Sam do everywhere he travels?
(a) He has to visit friends.
(b) He has to promote his business.
(c) He has to fight the competition.
(d) He has to check out the competition.

11. Back in the 1960s, with what was Sam more concerned, rather than quality?
(a) Keeping the prices lower than other company's prices for future success.
(b) Keeping the customers returning.
(c) Keeping large quantities of products in the store.
(d) Good advertising.

12. Why does Sam realize he must get a career job and accepts a job from JC Penney?
(a) He no longer wants to continue going to school.
(b) He needs money.
(c) He cannot afford to go to Harvard Law.
(d) He cannot afford to go to Wharton School of Finance in Pennsylvania.

13. After he and Helen marry, Sam aims to build his family financial structure similar to ____________.
(a) How his father had created their family fortune.
(b) How his boss created his fortune.
(c) How the Robsons created their family fortune.
(d) How other wealthy men had built their fortunes.

14. Sam is not interested in retail because __________________.
(a) He does not want to be a businessman.
(b) He wants to go to law school.
(c) He wants to purchase a farm.
(d) He believes he will be an insurance salesman.

15. Do Sam's kids feel as though Sam was not around during their childhood?
(a) Sometimes.
(b) Yes.
(c) Often.
(d) No.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sam describes Phil as a man who not only likes to swim upstream but also that he likes to do it __________.

2. What did going public do to Sam's family?

3. It is due to _________ that the company has been able to outperform the competition?

4. Why does Helen want four children by the time she is thirty?

5. Initially why does Sam's superior questions whether he is good at retail?

(see the answer keys)

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