Salvatore (Short Story) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 47 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Salvatore (Short Story) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 47 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of fish did Salvatore catch during fishing season?
(a) Cod.
(b) Seabass.
(c) Cuttlefish.
(d) Grouper.

2. What does Salvatore tell his mother about Assunta?
(a) She is ugly as the devil.
(b) She is a beauty like no other.
(c) She is mean, mean, mean.
(d) She is an angel among angels.

3. What was Assunta able to purchase for Salvatore if they married?
(a) A gold watch.
(b) A boat and a home.
(c) A new suit.
(d) A horse and buggy.

4. What does Assunta seem always to by touched by regarding Salvatore?
(a) His gentle sweetness.
(b) He physical prowess.
(c) He altruism.
(d) His perseverance in the face of adversity.

5. What would Salvatore do when his rheumatism made it impossible for him to work?
(a) Sob in the dark.
(b) Lay in his bed.
(c) Rest on the beach.
(d) Drink till dawn.

6. What work does Salvatore do when he settles home after returning from military service?
(a) He works with his mother cleaning houses.
(b) Fishing and working on his father's vineyard.
(c) He works as a cook for a wealthy family.
(d) He refused to work and just hangs out on the beach.

7. What simile is used to describe Salvatore's hands when he is not bathing his children?
(a) Like clouds.
(b) Like loaves of bread.
(c) Like legs of mutton.
(d) Like bricks.

8. How did Salvatore's family learn his fiancé was not going to marry him before he did?
(a) She told them.
(b) Her father told them.
(c) Her new husband told them.
(d) Her mother told them.

9. Whom did Assunta have "nothing but harsh words for" (7)?
(a) Salvatore's former fiancé.
(b) Salvatore's mother.
(c) Her former fiancé.
(d) Her children.

10. Where did Salvatore go to have a good look at Assunta before deciding whether he would marry her or not?
(a) Her house.
(b) The cafe.
(c) The beach.
(d) Church.

11. What word is used to describe the size of the "white-washed" house Salvatore and Assunta buy?
(a) Gigantic.
(b) Tiny.
(c) Miniscule.
(d) Microscopic.

12. What rare quality does the narrator say he was trying to paint a portrait of in his story "Salvatore"?
(a) Courage.
(b) Evil.
(c) Goodness.
(d) Honesty.

13. Why did Assunta not marry the man to whom she had been engaged?
(a) He was killed during military service.
(b) He walked out on her and never returned.
(c) He left her for another woman.
(d) She ended the engagement when she learned he had cheated.

14. What did Salvatore do for work when he was not fishing after he married and had children?
(a) Worked on his father's vineyard.
(b) Rode a horse and buggy.
(c) Taught school.
(d) Cooked for a wealthy family.

15. How does Salvatore feel toward his ex-fiance after learning they will not marry?
(a) He feels betrayed.
(b) He hates her.
(c) He understands why she cannot marry him.
(d) He feels honored to have had her love at all.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Salvatore tell his mother after he took a good look at Assunta?

2. How is Salvatore's laughter described when he bathes his child?

3. How is Assunta described physically?

4. How many children did Assunta and Salvatore have?

5. Who does Salvatore cry to when he returns home after learning he is not to be married to the girl he loved?

(see the answer keys)

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