Salem Falls Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Salem Falls Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Jack like to participate in his soccer friends' ritual after games?
(a) He doesn't like to share.
(b) His mother would dissapprove.
(c) He respects women too much.
(d) He is a virgin.

2. What does Addie say happened before her fight with Jack?
(a) He was beat up.
(b) He went drinking.
(c) He watched Jeopardy.
(d) He changed Chloe's room.

3. What does Jack say the girls in the woods were doing when he saw them?
(a) Cooking.
(b) Chanting.
(c) Singing.
(d) Dancing.

4. Who is the first person to take the stand at the trial?
(a) Gillian.
(b) Addie.
(c) Amos.
(d) Jack.

5. What did Jack's father die of?
(a) A staff infection.
(b) A heart attack.
(c) A stab wound.
(d) A stroke.

6. Who comes to see Addie after Charlie apologizes?
(a) Roy.
(b) Amos.
(c) Gillian.
(d) Catherine.

7. What does Addie see that refutes the statement from Jack's best friend in Loyal?
(a) A billboard.
(b) A TV Ad.
(c) A newspaper article.
(d) A magazine cover.

8. What does Meg do when she is confronted about using drugs?
(a) Faints.
(b) Runs away.
(c) Vomits.
(d) Cries.

9. What does Starshine do before her testimony is given?
(a) Does a spell.
(b) Reads a poem.
(c) Says a prayer.
(d) Goes into a trance.

10. Why does Jack refuse to do something when he is taken to prison in Salem Falls?
(a) He has not been convicted yet.
(b) He knows he is innocent.
(c) He is afraid to be manipulated.
(d) His last lawyer didn't help him.

11. Who is the last person to give testimony in the case?
(a) Chelsea.
(b) Catherine.
(c) Meg.
(d) Jack.

12. What time did Addie see Jack at the diner the night of the supposed rape?
(a) Midnight.
(b) 1:00 am.
(c) 1:30 am.
(d) 2:00 am.

13. Why does Roy start cooking in the diner?
(a) Delilah gets sick.
(b) Addie asks him to.
(c) He is not allowed to work the register.
(d) He wants a change in his life.

14. Who tells Roy about Jack's arrest?
(a) Jordan.
(b) Wes.
(c) Addie.
(d) Amos.

15. Whose blood was found on Gillian's shirt?
(a) Amos's.
(b) Chelsea's.
(c) Gillian's.
(d) Jack's.

Short Answer Questions

1. What information about Gillian does Amos learn during her interview with Matt?

2. What is the name of the woman Jack's mother hires as a housekeeper?

3. Where is Jack's old school located?

4. What does Jordan say during his opening statements at the trial?

5. Where do Thomas and Chelsea secretly meet?

(see the answer keys)

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