Saint Joan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saint Joan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Scene 1, what does Robert think about Joan's assertion that she hears voices?
(a) He thinks it is preposterous.
(b) He thinks it is exciting.
(c) He thinks nothing of it.
(d) He thinks it is miraculous.

2. How does Joan feel about meeting with the leader of her country?
(a) Confident.
(b) Nervous.
(c) Frightened.
(d) Nonplussed.

3. Who lives in the castle mentioned in Scene 1?
(a) The King of England.
(b) A military officer.
(c) The Dauphin.
(d) The castle is abandoned.

4. Why is Robert angry in Scene 1?
(a) His political allies have turned traitor.
(b) There are no eggs for his breakfast.
(c) His castle has no running water.
(d) His wife has run off with the steward.

5. At which landmark is the French army located in the beginning of Scene 3?
(a) The Arc de Triomphe.
(b) La Tour Eiffel.
(c) The palace.
(d) The Loire River.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Scene 3, what proves that Joan's power has risen significantly?

2. In Scene 2, what is the first achievement Joan tells the Dauphin he will attain?

3. In Scene 2, who schemes to trick Joan?

4. There is an officer in Scene 2 nicknamed "Bluebeard." Why is that his nickname?

5. In Scene 2, who joins the two men awaiting the Dauphin's arrival?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the setting for the play, and what is the location for the opening of the play?

2. In Scene 3, the attitude toward Joan and her supposed powers is variable. How do the men in the castles feel about Joan? How do the men in the trenches with Joan feel about her?

3. In Scene 2, why is the Dauphin called "ineffectual"?

4. In the king's dream, who interrupts the men discussing their personal trials and for what reason does he interrupt them?

5. Is the fact that Joan is a woman an asset or liability to her cause?

6. How do the nobleman and the chaplain feel about Joan, and how do they feel she should be treated?

7. Scene 1 sees Robert go through several emotions. What are some of those emotions, and why does Robert experience them?

8. Once Joan is given complete control of the military, the Dauphin calls his advisers back into the room. What does he tell the men and how do they react?

9. What is Joan's first reaction to the church officials' demands for her to recant at her trial?

10. In Scene 2, what do the Archbishop of Rheims, Lord Chamberlain de la Tremouille, Gilles de Rais, and the Dauphin do to try and trick Joan, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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