Saint Joan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saint Joan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the only power that the Dauphin has remaining in Scene 2?
(a) Financial.
(b) Military.
(c) Royal.
(d) The power over life and death.

2. In Scene 1, whose voices does Joan claim to hear?
(a) The voices of her inner conscience.
(b) Saint Margaret's and Saint Catherine's.
(c) Her father's and mother's.
(d) Those of many demons.

3. What news does Bluebeard bring?
(a) That Joan is approaching the castle.
(b) That the war is being lost by the English.
(c) That the war is being lost by the French.
(d) That the Dauphin has passed away.

4. What has happened to the French army in the beginning of Scene 3?
(a) They have been defeated by the English.
(b) They have deserted the cause.
(c) Their morale has dropped.
(d) They have stalled.

5. To whom does the Dauphin owe a financial debt?
(a) The powerful men who surround him.
(b) The king of England.
(c) Joan.
(d) Robert de Baudricourt.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Robert hope will help the troops with Joan's presence?

2. In Scene 1, who is the Maid who is waiting at the door of the castle?

3. Why does the French commander not allow Joan to move forward to attack?

4. In Scene 3 when the men in the castle discuss Joan, what do they do?

5. There is an officer in Scene 2 nicknamed "Bluebeard." Why is that his nickname?

Short Essay Questions

1. Is the fact that Joan is a woman an asset or liability to her cause?

2. How do the nobleman and the chaplain feel about Joan, and how do they feel she should be treated?

3. In Scene 4, two men in an English army camp are having a discussion. Who are the men, and what are they discussing?

4. In Scene 3, the attitude toward Joan and her supposed powers is variable. How do the men in the castles feel about Joan? How do the men in the trenches with Joan feel about her?

5. Describe the end of the king's dream in the Epilogue.

6. What news does Gilles de Rais bring to the Archbishop of Rheims and Lord Chamberlain de la Tremouille in Scene 2?

7. Who joins the Archbishop of Rheims and Lord Chamberlain de la Tremouille to wait for the Dauphin's arrival in Scene 2? What is this man's nickname and why is that what he is called?

8. Would Joan's mission be complete with a victory at Orleans, or would it just whet her appetite for battle?

9. What is the additional charge brought against Joan in Scene 6, and what is her reaction to that charge?

10. In Scene 5, why doesn't Joan want to return home after her success at Orleans?

(see the answer keys)

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