Saint Joan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saint Joan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is a reason the English label Joan a witch?
(a) The Dauphin's unquestioning belief in her.
(b) Her disconcerting political views.
(c) The dedication the French army shows towards her.
(d) Her strong sense of feminism.

2. What do the new king and his advisers think of Joan's advice in Scene 5?
(a) They think she should pray about it and come back.
(b) They think it is an excellent idea.
(c) They think she should stay out of matters of state.
(d) They think it is dangerous.

3. What is Joan fixed on after the Battle of Orleans?
(a) Her plan to confront the King of England.
(b) Her plan to build her own church.
(c) Her plan to liberate Paris.
(d) Her plan to return home to her family.

4. What happens to Joan when she refuses to admit guilt in Scene 6?
(a) She is given an extension on her trial and sent back to jail.
(b) She is sentenced to be hung until she is dead.
(c) She is banished from France and sent to Spain.
(d) She is immediately led to the stake and burned to death.

5. In Scene 4, where are the two men who are discussing Joan?
(a) In the midst of a battlefield.
(b) In a castle in the Loire valley.
(c) In an English army camp.
(d) In a French army camp.

6. Why does the king turn down Joan's request to go to Paris in Scene 5?
(a) He wants to make her queen.
(b) The state coffers are empty.
(c) He wants her to go home to her family.
(d) He is tired of war.

7. Joan's demeanor during the trial is what?
(a) Fearful.
(b) Nervous.
(c) Obstinate.
(d) Confrontational.

8. In Scene 6, what occurs before Joan is brought into the courtroom?
(a) The noblemen and church officials debate.
(b) Joan is whipped and dressed in rags.
(c) Joan's supposed crimes are announced to the assemblage.
(d) The courtroom fills with spectators.

9. In Scene 5, what is one of the emotions felt by Joan's colleagues when she makes her final decision about the battle in Paris?
(a) Awe for her convictions.
(b) Bored with her lectures.
(c) Happy for common sense.
(d) Afraid of her power.

10. In what year does Scene 6 open?
(a) 1453.
(b) 1433.
(c) 1431.
(d) 1492.

11. How do the new king and his advisers feel about Joan in Scene 5?
(a) They dislike her, but they respect her.
(b) Their feelings toward her are ambiguous.
(c) They wholly support her.
(d) They feel like she is an intruder in their presence.

12. In Scene 6, what does Joan risk by not submitting to the church officials' demands?
(a) Banishment.
(b) Lifelong imprisonment.
(c) Excommunication.
(d) Being tortured.

13. In Scene 4, the bishop holds out hope for ____________.
(a) The salvation of Joan's soul.
(b) The chance to burn Joan as a witch.
(c) A decent meal and a glass of fine wine.
(d) An English victory.

14. What are church officials willing to do if Joan does not submit to their demands during trial?
(a) Continue the trial until she does submit.
(b) Damn her soul to hell.
(c) Torture her until she begs forgiveness.
(d) Hand her over to secular authorities.

15. What has happened to Joan in the beginning of Scene 6?
(a) She has been taken to jail.
(b) She has been wounded.
(c) She has gone home.
(d) She has been bought.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Joan warned about sinning in Scene 5?

2. What do the officials in Scene 6 discuss before Joan is brought into the courtroom?

3. Who joins the discussion the two men in the English camp are having about Joan in Scene 4?

4. What do the Englishmen intend to do to Joan once she is captured?

5. What is one emotion felt by Joan's colleagues when she makes her final decision about the battle in Paris?

(see the answer keys)

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