Saint X Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Alexis Schaitki
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saint X Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Alexis Schaitki
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Indigo Bay to Islands.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the Thomas's go to Saint X, how long has Alison been at college?
(a) 5 months.
(b) 3 months.
(c) 2 months.
(d) 4 months.

2. When Emily is living in New York, where does she see Clive Richardson?
(a) Picking up trash in the park.
(b) Driving a garbage truck.
(c) Hot dog stand.
(d) Taxi.

3. During the volleyball game in "Indigo Bay," what color shorts does a husband wear that have dolphins on them?
(a) Blue.
(b) Pink.
(c) Purple.
(d) Green.

4. What anniversary did Mr. and Mrs. Thomas celebrate with an African safari?
(a) 15th.
(b) 25th.
(c) 30th.
(d) 20th.

5. How many days after Alison disappears is her body found?
(a) 2 days.
(b) 3 days.
(c) 5 days.
(d) 4 days.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the resort, when does an elderly widow like to swim in the pool?

2. Where does Emily find an apartment after college?

3. How long has the actor who visits Saint X been a public figure?

4. Where does Alison have a scar?

5. On the night that Alison disappeared, what time was she seen walking from the swimming pool to the hotel bar?

(see the answer key)

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