Saint Maybe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saint Maybe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ian sing every December?
(a) "Silent Night."
(b) "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas."
(c) "Dust off the fruitcake, it's Christmas again."
(d) "Jingle Bells."

2. Why did the linen closet get wet?
(a) Agatha dumped a pail of water in it by accident.
(b) The roof had a leak in it.
(c) The water pipe broke.
(d) Thomas was playing with water balloons.

3. What relationship does Daphne plan for Miss Pennington in Chapter Seven?
(a) To be Daphne's friend.
(b) To be a tutor for her sister.
(c) To be Ian's wife.
(d) To be Mr. Kitt's girlfriend.

4. What is unusual about the weather in May of 1988?
(a) It is foggy.
(b) It rains almost every day.
(c) It is hot, dry and sunny.
(d) It is cloudy with some sunshine.

5. What does Ian discover about the name Lucy Dean?
(a) It was the name of Lucy's friend from school.
(b) It was Lucy's maiden name.
(c) It was Lucy's married name.
(d) It was the name of Lucy's ex-boyfriend.

6. When Rev. Emmett returns to preaching, what does he ask of Ian?
(a) To say prayers for him.
(b) To build him a cabinet.
(c) To do office work.
(d) To train for the ministry.

7. How does Stuart divert Rita so she'll stay seated and not go into the kitchen to cook on Christmas Day?
(a) Card tricks.
(b) Watching television with her.
(c) Conversation.
(d) Reading her a book.

8. When Daphne has trouble finding a full-time job, where does she start working part-time?
(a) With Ian in the wood shop.
(b) At a restaurant.
(c) At the library.
(d) For the elementary school.

9. Who is Mrs. Millet?
(a) Thomas and Agatha's grandmother.
(b) Danny's mother-in-law.
(c) An old high school friend.
(d) Jeanine's cousin.

10. Where does Rita tell Ian that she thinks she's pregnant?
(a) At home.
(b) At church.
(c) While waiting for the doctor.
(d) At the hospital.

11. What do Agatha and Daphne find in the cedar chest at the foot of Bee's bed?
(a) Quilt.
(b) Hats and gloves.
(c) Blankets.
(d) Photo albums.

12. Why did Daphne get an in-school suspension?
(a) For drinking beer in a parked car during the lunch hour.
(b) For smoking in the bathroom.
(c) For talking back to a teacher.
(d) For skipping school.

13. What did Ian go to the market for when Agatha and Thomas were sick with the flu?
(a) Ice cream.
(b) Hearts of Palm salad.
(c) Medicine.
(d) Cough drops.

14. Who were the Queen and King of their senior prom?
(a) Lucy and Gary.
(b) Lucy and Andrew.
(c) Lucy and Thomas.
(d) Lucy and Danny.

15. What happens when Agatha tries to wash the sheets at Thanksgiving time?
(a) The washer has too many suds.
(b) The colors get bleached.
(c) The sheets get torn.
(d) The washer is broken.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the Church's certified vagrant?

2. How tall is Rita?

3. What is Agatha studying in college?

4. What grade does Miss Pennington teach?

5. Who works for a software company, creating educational computer games?

(see the answer keys)

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