Saint Maybe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saint Maybe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Ian sending Agatha, Thomas, and Daphne for Day Camp?
(a) Presbyterian Day Camp.
(b) The Church of the Second Chance.
(c) Saint Maybe Camp.
(d) Waverly Camp.

2. In what month do Lucy and Danny marry?
(a) March.
(b) May.
(c) June.
(d) April.

3. What story does Ian read to Agatha and Thomas at the Bedloe house after Lucy has died?
(a) Goodnight Moon.
(b) Hansel and Gretel.
(c) The Sad Little Bunny.
(d) I Love You This Much.

4. Why does Lucy have no one to help her with her children?
(a) Her friends are busy.
(b) Her standards are too high.
(c) She has no relatives.
(d) She wants to do it herself.

5. Who says, "It's the people who don't know the answers who are going to heaven, I tell you"?
(a) Gracie.
(b) Mac McClintock.
(c) Mrs. Jordon.
(d) Doug Bedloe.

6. Who comes to baby-sit the children during Lucy's funeral?
(a) Bee.
(b) Mrs. Thomas.
(c) Mrs. Myrdal.
(d) Abby.

7. What is Waverly Street?
(a) The street where Lucy and Danny live.
(b) The street where the post office is located.
(c) The street next to the Bedloe's street.
(d) The street where the Bedloes live.

8. What did Sister Audrey leave in a dumpster?
(a) Yesterday's trash.
(b) Her favorite sweater.
(c) Important papers.
(d) A newborn baby.

9. What does Lucy send to her ex-husband by airmail?
(a) Tennis racket.
(b) Bowling ball.
(c) Basketball.
(d) Photo album.

10. What table does Agatha get to sit at during Claudia's birthday party?
(a) The adult and children's table.
(b) The children's table.
(c) The "Difficult Ages" table.
(d) Her own table.

11. What does Bee think her family has turned into now that Danny is gone?
(a) Organizers.
(b) Planners.
(c) Worriers.
(d) Religious zealots.

12. Why can't Bee take care of Lucy's children?
(a) She has a broken arm.
(b) She has arthritis.
(c) Lucy doesn't want her help.
(d) She lives too far away.

13. Where does Ian work the summer after Danny's death?
(a) Jim's Barbershop.
(b) Sid & Ed's A-1 Movers.
(c) Pete's Towing.
(d) Sam's Garage.

14. Who is Gracie?
(a) A girl who picked up Agatha and Thomas from school while Bee was in the hospital.
(b) Billy's friend.
(c) Bee's neighbor.
(d) Cicely's friend

15. What does Mrs. Myrdal say she caught Lucy shoplifting during one of their excursions together?
(a) Jeans.
(b) A red dress.
(c) A silk blouse.
(d) Shoes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Thomas believe is the point of being Christian?

2. At what time does Rev. Emmett visit the Church Day Camp in Chapter Four?

3. In chapter Two, what does Lucy steal from the drug store after visiting the typewriter store?

4. Who told Mrs. Jordan the name of Agatha and Thomas' father?

5. What did the church women serve for dessert at the indoor picnic?

(see the answer keys)

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