Sailor Song Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sailor Song Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why can't Ike, Mike, and Greer catch any fish?
(a) There are no fish.
(b) They're not paying attention.
(c) They've had too much to drink.
(d) They don't know how to use the equipment.

2. In Chapter 20, why has filming stopped?
(a) Shoola went home.
(b) The sea lions have run away.
(c) Steubins in missing.
(d) Nick had a temper tantrum.

3. What is Foxcorp trying to buy?
(a) Ike's house.
(b) The rights to Alice's life.
(c) The Underdog property.
(d) The town.

4. Shoola and the sea lion first begin to connect through _____.
(a) Music.
(b) Eye contact.
(c) Jokes.
(d) Dislike of the trainer.

5. When Shoola first meets the sea lion, what does she spend the whole time doing?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Chewing gum.
(c) Fighting with her father on the phone.
(d) Talking to the sea lion.

6. What does Nell discover under the production building?
(a) Undeveloped film.
(b) A journal.
(c) A mysterious object.
(d) Louise Loop's body.

7. Where is Bellisarius hiding?
(a) In the park.
(b) In a closet.
(c) Under a table.
(d) In Ike's house.

8. Why does the actress insist on being called "Shoola"?
(a) It's her name.
(b) The director told her to.
(c) She thinks she is Shoola.
(d) She's a method actor.

9. Why does Mike sneak out of the bar?
(a) To get away from Ike.
(b) To avoid a confrontation.
(c) Because he's drunk.
(d) To avoid paying his bill.

10. What has happened to Ike's trailer?
(a) Marked by the film crew.
(b) Moved.
(c) Flipped over.
(d) Redecorated.

11. What happens when Shoola meets Ike?
(a) She compliments his hair.
(b) She spills coffee on him.
(c) She taunts him.
(d) She falls in love with him.

12. What is Nick planning?
(a) To divorce his wife.
(b) Revenge.
(c) To return home.
(d) A party.

13. How do Ike, Mike, and Greer know about the school of fish?
(a) There's always a school of fish.
(b) The computer.
(c) A fellow sailor.
(d) The weather report.

14. Why do Ike, Mike, and Greer have to return to town?
(a) To report a murder.
(b) To prevent the town from selling property.
(c) To cook the fish.
(d) To get more gas.

15. Who is Nick's father?
(a) Ike.
(b) Alice's father.
(c) A stranger.
(d) Greer.

Short Answer Questions

1. In jail, Ike exposed a warden for drinking ______.

2. Ike misunderstands Shoola and thinks she is offering him _______.

3. After Shoola leaves, what does the sea lion want?

4. Why is there a search for Mike and Steubins?

5. Who else is with Alice, Shoola, and Ike when they leave Mike and Willi at the dock?

(see the answer keys)

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