Sailing Alone Around the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sailing Alone Around the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Slocum was happy to meet another American who worked as a ______.
(a) Salvage wrecker.
(b) Harbor master.
(c) Pearl diver.
(d) Fishing boat guide.

2. What was the title of Foy?
(a) King.
(b) Commodore.
(c) Captain.
(d) Admiral.

3. In which part of Australia is Port Denison located?
(a) Canberra.
(b) Melbourne.
(c) Victoria.
(d) Queensland.

4. While Slocum was in the port, he had the opportunity to meet Mr. A. _____, father of the late princess of Manua.
(a) Burt.
(b) Jacks.
(c) Brown.
(d) Young.

5. Who was Slocum's special guest?
(a) Captain Howard.
(b) Mrs. Stevenson.
(c) John Slocum.
(d) King of the islands.

6. Slocum managed to make money off of which sea creature?
(a) Whales.
(b) Tuna.
(c) Dolphins.
(d) Sharks.

7. What type of crew member did Slocum get just before sailing onward?
(a) First Mate.
(b) Navigator.
(c) Engineer.
(d) Ensign.

8. The celebration was planned in whose honor?
(a) Queen.
(b) King.
(c) Princess.
(d) Slocum.

9. All visitors to _____ are required to be examined by a doctor.
(a) Java.
(b) St. Thomas.
(c) Mauritius.
(d) Tarawa.

10. Who interviewed Slocum when he reached South Africa?
(a) Defoe.
(b) Stevenson.
(c) Livingston.
(d) Stanley.

11. What common item was the real cause of the rain?
(a) Tides.
(b) Coral reefs.
(c) Mist.
(d) Bricks.

12. Slocum was thrilled to know that he was in the same area that had been inhabited by which of the following?
(a) Robinson Crusoe.
(b) The Howells.
(c) Dr. Livingston.
(d) Swiss Family Robinson.

13. What is the "Pilot of Keeling Cocos?"
(a) Bird.
(b) Lighthouse.
(c) Reef.
(d) Cove.

14. What type of celebration did Slocum attend?
(a) Wake.
(b) Christmas party.
(c) Jubilee.
(d) Coronation.

15. What item was named after Slocum?
(a) Port.
(b) Flower.
(c) Ship.
(d) Star.

Short Answer Questions

1. Slocum says that he had _____ to keep him company.

2. At first the children thought the treat was:

3. Slocum discusses his trip to which island named after a day of the week?

4. What is the name of the king's daughter?

5. The king was often referred to as the King of ______.

(see the answer keys)

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