Sag Harbor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Colson Whitehead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sag Harbor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Colson Whitehead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kinds of things did Benji always used to get invited to?
(a) Karaoke contests.
(b) Dance contests.
(c) Football games.
(d) Bar mitzvahs and birthday parties.

2. What excuse does Benji have for going back to Jonni Waffle after everyone else left after the power outage?
(a) He left his backpack there.
(b) He left his house keys there.
(c) He left a tape there.
(d) He left his cell phone there.

3. How many years has it been since Benji and his family stayed in their original house in Sag Harbor?
(a) 1.
(b) 8.
(c) 3.
(d) 10.

4. Why does the power go off at Benji's house one day?
(a) There is an electrical storm.
(b) The power company cut it off.
(c) Someone cut all the power lines to the house.
(d) Benji and Reggie get into a water fight and ruin the power source.

5. What's the problem with Benji's old bike in Sag Harbor?
(a) It's too beat up to be ridden anymore.
(b) Someone painted it with graffiti.
(c) It's way too small.
(d) It's way too small.

6. What does Reggie do so he can participate in the BB gun war?
(a) Eats a live worm.
(b) Quits his job.
(c) Changes his work schedule.
(d) Goes on a hunger strike until they decide to let him play.

7. What kind of car does Randy drive in Chapter 2?
(a) A dark-blue Audi.
(b) A bright-red Corvette.
(c) A deep-silver minivan.
(d) A moss-green Toyota.

8. What does Nick think of Martine?
(a) It doesn't matter.
(b) He is the worst manager in all of history.
(c) He is, in fact, black.
(d) He is not black.

9. What word do Benji and his friends make up/use quite a bit in Chapter 2?
(a) "Primpto."
(b) "Node."
(c) "Dag."
(d) "Powned."

10. How is Benji currently viewed by his classmates?
(a) As someone who is nice but not very smart.
(b) As the coolest kid in town.
(c) As someone who is smart but also really mean.
(d) As an outcast.

11. What is the title of Chapter 1?
(a) World, Meet Benji.
(b) Notions of a Roller-Rink Infinity.
(c) Benji, Meet World.
(d) This is a trick question; there is not title to Chapter 1.

12. Where does Benji hide during the BB gun fight?
(a) Behind an abandoned car.
(b) Behind a huge rock.
(c) Into the woods.
(d) Behind a tool shed.

13. Why does Martine pat Benji on the head one afternoon?
(a) For being so motivational to the other boys.
(b) For always coming to work early.
(c) For learning so much in such a short period of time.
(d) For keeping up with a sudden demand for waffle cones.

14. What does "NP" stand for?
(a) Never Proud.
(b) Nigger, Please!
(c) Never Perfect.
(d) Neal Peter.

15. What is Reggie most concerned with as he and Benji go walking around Sag Harbor?
(a) Finding his girlfriend from the last time they were there.
(b) Making sure his hair looks good.
(c) Showing off his new muscles.
(d) Keeping his new shoes clean.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the idea of a BB gun war begin?

2. Where is Reggie's work located?

3. What time of year do Benji and his family drive out to Sag Harbor?

4. Where does Nick live during the school year?

5. Who else works at Jonni Waffle?

(see the answer keys)

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