Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Once Mama Chia has taken Dan to the edge and points the way, what does he have to do?

2. For whom does Mitsu yell?

3. What is one overwhelming impression Millman has of India?

4. What does she do after drawing the figure?

5. What American statesman does Mama Chia quote in chapter 5?

Short Essay Questions

1. Dan imagines all sorts of monsters floating beneath his surfboard; what might this metaphorically represent?

2. What is the irony of Dan's situation out on the vast Pacific Ocean?

3. How does Ruth respond to Dan's appearance at the party and what do you think this foreshadows?

4. For what is Dan searching in India and why does he choose India?

5. What does Mama Chia tell Dan after waking him from sleeping for 36 hours, and what do you think she means?

6. Did you think it is smart of Dan to just mount a surfboard and go out from shore having no experience with this kind of activity?

7. Dan tries to stay awake and conscious because he's afraid of what might happen if he falls asleep. Do you think this is symbolic of anything?

8. What does Dan realize he must do at this time in his life?

9. Why do you think Mama Chia resumes her work as midwife and kahuna after receiving a letter from Socrates about Dan?

10. Chapter four opens with what quote and what do you think it means?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Dan Millman decides to go to India in search of some sort of spiritual enlightenment. Discuss the following:

Why does Millman think he needs to go to India?

Why do you think many Westerners go to places such as India and Tibet in search of spiritual enlightenment?

Do you think Dan could have found what he needed where he lives in Ohio?

Essay Topic 2

While Dan is meditating, he realizes he must accept what is rather than cling to illusions. Discuss the following:

To what sort of illusions do you think Dan is clinging?

Can being in denial (or clinging to illusions) sometimes be a good thing?

If Dan (or anyone) accepts what is, then how are they motivated to change for the better?

Essay Topic 3

Mama Chia's purpose in mentoring Dan seems to be to teach him about the three selves. Discuss one of the following:

What are the three selves. Discuss fully.

Discuss the symbolic representations of the three selves both in the book and in your own experience.

Discuss whether or not you think the idea of three selves has validity as truth.

(see the answer keys)

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