Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Final Test - Medium

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Final Test - Medium

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the third window show?
(a) Creativity and stasis.
(b) Balance and justice.
(c) Order and disorder.
(d) Order, balance, and creativity.

2. What does Mama Chia declare about her, Dan and Socrates?
(a) They are soul mates.
(b) They have the combined wisdom of an avatar.
(c) They are to teach the world.
(d) They are not from this planet.

3. To which self does survival, creativity, and power belong?
(a) The Nurturing Self.
(b) The Aware Self.
(c) The Basic Self.
(d) The Needy Self.

4. How has Mama Chia made peace with being comfortable?
(a) By rationalizing.
(b) By trying to be kind to those nearby.
(c) By being peace.
(d) By making others just as comfortable.

5. To what do some peaceful warrior souls agree?
(a) Immortality.
(b) To endure mortal life for eons, reminding people of who they are.
(c) Not returning to earth again.
(d) Residing in hell to save those souls there.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mama Chia tell Dan?

2. What is an "arena of battle" and "finishing school" for the Basic Self?

3. What task does Mama Chia give Dan?

4. As Mama Chia hurries among gravestones and speaks with new urgency, what does Dan feel?

5. What does the second window show?

Short Essay Questions

1. What vision does Dan have as he meditates by the waterfall?

2. What task does Mama Chia give Dan and how does he handle it?

3. Why do you think Dan dreads what lies ahead?

4. Explain the incident with the starfish and the possible meaning of it.

5. Does Dan change his mind about the settlement? How?

6. Explain Mama Chia's thoughts about who she, Dan and Socrates are.

7. What do you think Mama Chia means when she says one must clean the lower floors before ascending to higher floors?

8. Describe Dan's experience of "rebirth."

9. What is foreshadowed in this section?

10. What does the third level concern?

(see the answer keys)

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