Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the The Basic Self use pain?
(a) To learn faith.
(b) To get one's attention.
(c) As a way to solve other problems.
(d) To learn how to let go.

2. Why has Dan no sense of time or bearings?
(a) He leaves his watch on shore and it's cloudy.
(b) He is in a daze.
(c) He hit his head on the rocks when the surfboard was washed onto shore.
(d) He has never done this before.

3. What is going on at the house when Dan arrives?
(a) A party.
(b) A wake.
(c) A seance.
(d) A funeral.

4. What does Dan find at the end of chapter 4?
(a) A shore.
(b) A fishing pole entangled in kelp.
(c) A dead albatross.
(d) A floating bottle of water.

5. What is the board like that Dan finds?
(a) A dented, fiberglass board that is slightly too short for his frame.
(b) He cannot find a board.
(c) A new slick, fiberglass board.
(d) Like the ones the old Hawaiians used.

6. What does Mama Chia say about the energies?
(a) They only help the spirit.
(b) They only help the physical body.
(c) They are imaginary but useful.
(d) They are not imaginary.

7. What are the Basic Self, Conscious Self and Higher Self?
(a) The way to enlightenment.
(b) The three selves.
(c) The concept talked about in the secret ways.
(d) A way of explaining the relationship between god and humans.

8. How does Dan respond when he realizes his predicament?
(a) With fear.
(b) With a sense of anticipation.
(c) With a sense of adventure.
(d) By trying to contact the authorities with his cell phone.

9. What cure does Ruth prescribe for Dan?
(a) A tanning booth.
(b) A barefoot walk on coals.
(c) A barefoot walk in the surf.
(d) A sauna.

10. Who heals Mama Chia's psyche after a failed marriage?
(a) She heals herself.
(b) Her grandmother.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Socrates.

11. Why does Millman become more dejected as time passes on his travels?
(a) He is overwhelmed by the different paths one can take to enlightment.
(b) He thinks everyone he meets is a hypocrite.
(c) He finds nothing that isn't available in the West in bookstores.
(d) He cannot make any lasting connections.

12. What does Mama Chia say she did nine years ago?
(a) Help bring Sachi into the world.
(b) Meet Socrates in India.
(c) Gave a speech at the World Holistic Conference.
(d) Contacted an alien.

13. What does Dan jokingly say he'll call the diet he follows while floating on the surfboard?
(a) The Stupidity Diet.
(b) The non-eating diet.
(c) The Surfboard Diet.
(d) The Mama Chia Diet.

14. What does she do after drawing the figure?
(a) Prays.
(b) Sings.
(c) Dances.
(d) Goes into a trance.

15. What do you think is the hardest thing about leaving for Millman?
(a) Leaving his ailing father.
(b) Leaving his wife.
(c) Leaving his students.
(d) Leaving his daughter.

Short Answer Questions

1. For whom does Mitsu yell?

2. Where does Millman decide to go?

3. What returns to Dan as he is healing?

4. What is the best definition for the Hawaiian word "kahuna?"

5. Why does the author do what he does on his wedding night?

(see the answer keys)

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