Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who meets at the bottom of an old barge?
2. What is in progress when Erasmus arrives at the Wolpert residence?
3. Where does the Liverpool Merchant arrive in Book One, Part Four?
4. Why does Blair go to a bar?
5. Where does the cast of the play meet due to rainy weather?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why was Paris imprisoned?
2. What significance does the mantra "when we are married" have in Book One, Part Four?
3. Why is Kemp so motivated to convince Paris to go aboard the Ship?
4. What do we learn about Paris' wife in Book One, Part One?
5. Why does Thurso have James Wilson flogged?
6. Why does Erasmus not like Matthew Paris?
7. How do readers discover how Sarah feels about Erasmus?
8. Describe the setting for the Prologue.
9. What tragedy occurs while the Ship is being built?
10. What is the relationship between Kemp and Saul Thurso like?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Identify the concept of an antagonist. Describe how Erasmus can be described as the antagonist, and explain what makes him fit the description. Why does Unsworth decide to include Erasmus in his book? What does he represent?
Essay Topic 2
What is the tone of Sacred Hunger? Why would Unsworth choose to write the story in that type of tone? What impact does the tone have on the way that the reader perceives the characters and sequence of events?
Essay Topic 3
Paris experiences flashbacks in this story that refer to his prior experiences with his wife and his printing of illegal materials. What do those flashbacks teach us about Paris? What purpose do the flashbacks serve in the story?
This section contains 622 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |