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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Sabbath start carrying in his pants pocket?
(a) Drenka's hair ribbon.
(b) Roseanna's Alcoholics Anonymous medallion.
(c) A pair of Deborah's underwear.
(d) Deborah's picture.
2. Why does Sabbath think that Michelle is cheating on Norman?
(a) Because a man has called during the day, looking for Michelle.
(b) Because Norman has confessed that the medication he takes for depression is hard on his libido.
(c) Because Norman has told Sabbath that he thinks that Michelle is cheating.
(d) Because Michelle flirts with Sabbath.
3. What does Sabbath think that Michelle is trying to communicate to him by what she is wearing?
(a) That she wants him to respect her more.
(b) That she has decided to have an affair with him.
(c) That she is not interested in him sexually.
(d) That she is a nurturing, motherly type.
4. Why does Sabbath not want to be buried next to Drenka?
(a) He does not think that Matthew would allow it.
(b) He does not want to take Matija's place.
(c) He does not want Drenka's lovers visiting both of their graves.
(d) He would feel more comfortable in a Jewish cemetery.
5. Which of the following was in the three-ring binder that Roseanna asked Sabbath to bring to her while she was in the psychiatric hospital?
(a) Roseanna's typed diary chronicling the last three years.
(b) A manuscript that Roseanna wanted to finish writing.
(c) Notes from Roseanna's students.
(d) Letters from her father that had been written just before his suicide.
6. How old was Sabbath when his brother, Morty died?
(a) Twelve.
(b) Ten.
(c) Fourteen.
(d) Sixteen.
7. Who is Rosa?
(a) Norman's maid.
(b) Norman's wife.
(c) Deborah's cousin.
(d) Norman's daughter.
8. How does Sabbath find the place that he seeks?
(a) He finds someone who knows Christa.
(b) He purchases a map.
(c) He gets directions.
(d) He stumbles upon a funeral procession that leads him there.
9. Who occupies the space next to Sabbath's mother?
(a) His mother's brother.
(b) His mother's sister.
(c) His father's sister.
(d) His sister.
10. How does Sabbath respond when Norman takes his hand?
(a) Sabbath pulls away from Norman and runs out the door.
(b) Sabbath thinks that he can parlay Norman's sympathy into at least a week's stay.
(c) Sabbath sits and stares at Norman in a dumbfounded way.
(d) Sabbath wonders how much money he can convince Norman to give him.
11. What does Sabbath take upon leaving Fish's house?
(a) A box of Morty's possessions.
(b) Letters from his mother.
(c) Some food.
(d) A few dollars.
12. Which of the following is the first thing that Sabbath does when he is alone in Deborah's bedroom?
(a) He starts writing his will.
(b) He tries to climb out a window.
(c) He goes to sleep.
(d) He takes a bath.
13. How does Sabbath think that Michelle earned the money that she hid in her drawer?
(a) By working a second job.
(b) By lying to Norman about how much she earned.
(c) By stealing money out of her and Norman's joint checking account.
(d) By prostituting herself.
14. How did Roseanna react when she first found out about the scandal concerning Sabbath?
(a) She drove her car into a boulder, and then laid down on the road.
(b) She started slapping and punching Sabbath.
(c) She tried to commit suicide with painkillers.
(d) In a rage, she went to Kathy's house to confront her.
15. Why does Sabbath think that Norman wants him to tell the story of his arrest?
(a) To stimulate Michelle.
(b) To make Sabbath see the error of his ways.
(c) To convince Michelle to keep Deborah away from Sabbath.
(d) To make Michelle dislike Sabbath.
Short Answer Questions
1. What excuse does Sabbath give Rosa for having gone through Deborah's drawers?
2. At the end of Part 8, Sabbath finds letters written by whom?
3. What happened when Sabbath took vodka to the hospital where Roseanna was being treated?
4. Which of the following does Sabbath do before leaving the cemetery?
5. What is Sabbath's reply when Michelle tells him how highly Norman spoke of him?
This section contains 768 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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