Sabbath's Theater Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sabbath's Theater Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is the ultimatum issued to Sabbath?
(a) To be faithful, or their relationship will end.
(b) To stop drinking, or move out.
(c) To get a job, or they will be divorced.
(d) To stop gambling, or he will be involuntarily committed.

2. Why did Sabbath want Drenka to sleep with all of his friends?
(a) Because he took pride in showing her off.
(b) Because he wanted to be sure that she met with their approval.
(c) Because she did not want to, and he enjoyed that.
(d) Because he enjoyed having control over her, and making her do what he wanted.

3. Why did Barrett stop speaking to Drenka before her death?
(a) Because he was angry with Sabbath.
(b) Because he was angry with her for asking him to leave his wife.
(c) Because he did not want to get involved with her illness.
(d) Because he was afraid that Matija would discover their affair.

4. What does Sabbath blame for his inability to express his love for Drenka?
(a) His upbringing.
(b) His friends.
(c) His wife.
(d) His personality.

5. How does Sabbath feel now that Drenka is dead?
(a) He is depressed and suicidal, because he realizes that he never told her how much he loved her.
(b) He is tortured by the memories of the other men with whom she slept .
(c) He is upset that he no longer has an outlet for his libido.
(d) He is relieved that he is no longer in danger of being discovered.

6. How did Sabbath persuade Christa to allow him to come to her house?
(a) He posed as a police officer.
(b) He told her that he could get her a job.
(c) He pretended to be a plumber.
(d) He offered to buy one of her pieces of art.

7. Sabbath often feels the presence of which of his departed relatives?
(a) His mother.
(b) His stillborn sister.
(c) His father.
(d) Morty.

8. Why did Sabbath stop directing?
(a) Because he lost his job by spending all of his time searching for Nikki.
(b) Because it was not exciting without Nikki as his leading lady.
(c) Because he was not allowed to make the radical changes that he wanted to make.
(d) Because too many actors refused to work with him.

9. Sabbath's memories of Nikki are interrupted by which of the following realizations?
(a) That he does not have any money in his checking account.
(b) That Matthew meant to hit Sabbath at Drenka's grave.
(c) That his car has run out of gas.
(d) That he does not know where Norman lives.

10. Why did Sabbath leave New York the first time?
(a) Because he was going crazy searching for Nikki.
(b) Because he wanted to live closer to Roseanna.
(c) Because he had lost his job and had no reason to stay.
(d) Because he wanted to be closer to his family.

11. Why do the embalmers get impatient with Nikki after her mother's death?
(a) Because she is not satisfied with any aspect of their work.
(b) Because she insists on overseeing every aspect of the process.
(c) Because she is controlling and wants them to do things that are out of the ordinary.
(d) Because she will not part with the corpse.

12. Why does Drenka discuss Matthew's career only with Sabbath?
(a) Because Matija is disappointed that his son has become a police officer.
(b) Because Sabbath is the only one who knows that Drenka still talks to Matthew.
(c) Because Sabbath understands because he used to be in the same profession.
(d) Because Drenka does not talk to her other family members much.

13. How do the people at Linc's office feel about what happened to him?
(a) Relieved.
(b) Sympathetic.
(c) Outraged.
(d) Elated.

14. Why was Sabbath attracted to Roseanna?
(a) Because she was confident and capable.
(b) Because she was rich, and her father was powerful.
(c) Because she was good-looking, and a great dancer.
(d) Because she did not seem as interested in him as he was in her.

15. How did Sabbath feel about the manner in which Nikki handled her mother's death?
(a) He thought that she was faking her grief.
(b) He thought that it was grotesque.
(c) He thought that it was odd, but not extraordinary.
(d) He thought tht it was normal and healthy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What personal crisis led to Roseanna's hospital stay in 1989?

2. At the beginning of Part 3, who calls Sabbath to give him the news about Linc?

3. Why does Sabbath think that he should have been a pimp instead of a puppet master?

4. Why does Sabbath only visit Drenka's grave at night?

5. Why was Drenka hurt when Barrett stopped speaking to her?

(see the answer keys)

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