Sabbath's Theater Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sabbath's Theater Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 2, Part 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Matija's story about the sympathy cards that he received after Drenka's death upset Sabbath?
(a) Because Sabbath is angry on account of Matija not having known Drenka as well as he did, and does not deserve the sympathy.
(b) Because Sabbath is jealous that he did not receive any sympathy cards after the death of his first wife, Nikki.
(c) Because Sabbath is jealous that he did not receive any sympathy cards after Drenka's death.
(d) Because Sabbath is guilty due to Matija's genuine sadness over his wife's death.

2. Why did Sabbath feel that he had lost his job over the scandal?
(a) Because he chose the wrong student with whom to have such a relationship.
(b) Because there was a lesson for him to learn by getting into trouble with Kathy.
(c) Because the world has it in for American men.
(d) Because the college was already looking for a reason to fire him.

3. Which of the following anti-Semitic comments does Nikki make to Sabbath after her mother's death?
(a) She makes fun of Sabbath for wearing a yarmulke during the funeral.
(b) She accuses Sabbath of not wanting to pay for a nice funeral because he is Jewish and cheap.
(c) She says that it is cold of the Jews to bury their dead so quickly.
(d) She says that her mother died heartbroken because Nikki married a Jew.

4. Which of the following forms did Christa learn in an effort to become a "true American"?
(a) Quilting.
(b) Crocheting.
(c) Painting.
(d) Knitting.

5. What did Linc think had happened to Nikki?
(a) That she vanished to kill herself.
(b) That she left to be with someone else.
(c) That she was abducted by a jealous lover.
(d) That she ran home to her family.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Nikki hate her father?

2. According to what he tells Norman, what bothers Sabbath about his decision to leave New York?

3. What does Drenka's husband do for a living?

4. What does Sabbath say when Norman catches him with Deborah's picture?

5. Why does Sabbath think that Drenka is not attracted to her husband?

(see the answer key)

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