Russka: The Novel of Russia Test | Final Test - Medium

Edward Rutherfurd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Russka: The Novel of Russia Test | Final Test - Medium

Edward Rutherfurd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Madame Adelaide de Ronville?
(a) Alexander's mistress.
(b) Alexander's friend.
(c) Alexander's tutor.
(d) Alexander's mother.

2. Who is Nadezhda in love with?
(a) Karpenko.
(b) Vladimir.
(c) Popov.
(d) Dmitri.

3. Where does Sergei work after school?
(a) The central administration.
(b) The military.
(c) A law firm.
(d) The foreign ministry.

4. Who is making slow progress according to Peter?
(a) Socialists.
(b) Anarchists.
(c) Terrorists.
(d) Capitalists.

5. What happens to the streltsy?
(a) It becomes the foundation for the Tsar's power.
(b) It becomes the basis for the Tsar's edicts.
(c) It centralizes the government.
(d) Is it crushed. It brings about reforms.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose meeting does Alexander attend?

2. How does Rosa Abramovich die?

3. What does Alexander refuse to ask Tatiana's father for?

4. Who does Nicolai find on the train to Moscow?

5. What does Nicolai find when he reaches the country?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Karpenko's relationship with Nadezhda?

2. What is Mrs. Suvorin's relationship with Popov?

3. What is Alexander Bobrov's relationship with Sergei?

4. Who is Pavlo, and what is his role in Russka?

5. Who is Madame Adelaide de Ronville, and what does Alexander Bobrov need from her?

6. Describe Savva Suvorin's arrival in Moscow.

7. How did the revolution of 1905 begin in Russia?

8. Describe Alexander Bobrov's imprisonment.

9. What role do Madame Adelaide de Ronville's salons play in Russka?

10. Describe Tatiana's relationship with Savva Suvorin.

(see the answer keys)

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