Russka: The Novel of Russia Test | Final Test - Easy

Edward Rutherfurd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Russka: The Novel of Russia Test | Final Test - Easy

Edward Rutherfurd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Madame Adelaide de Ronville?
(a) Alexander's friend.
(b) Alexander's mistress.
(c) Alexander's mother.
(d) Alexander's tutor.

2. Who is Sheshkovsky?
(a) A soldier.
(b) An interrogator.
(c) A lawyer.
(d) A monk.

3. What deadline does the Countess give Alexander?
(a) To marry Tatiana.
(b) To Russianize the South.
(c) To graduate from school.
(d) To impose reforms.

4. Who is Russia preparing to fight in 1812?
(a) Charlemagne.
(b) Hitler.
(c) Napoleon.
(d) Genghis Khan.

5. Why has Nicolai's father asked him to return home?
(a) To help with failing crops.
(b) To take over the estate.
(c) To stop his political activities.
(d) To help him in his illness.

6. What does Popov obtain from Peter Suvorin?
(a) A storeroom.
(b) A salary.
(c) A promise of protection.
(d) A few strong men.

7. What philosophers do Nicolai and his companions talk about on the train?
(a) Locke and Rousseau.
(b) Kant and Hegel.
(c) Hegel and Marx.
(d) Plato and Aristotle.

8. What happens in the duel between Sergei and Pinegin?
(a) Sergei is killed.
(b) Neither man is injured.
(c) Sergei is injured.
(d) Pinegin is killed.

9. What does Savva try to buy in 1844?
(a) A business.
(b) A wife.
(c) His freedom.
(d) Land.

10. What begins in 1839?
(a) Famine.
(b) Plague.
(c) Reform.
(d) War.

11. What was Peter impressed by?
(a) Russian populism.
(b) European ways.
(c) Chinese wisdom.
(d) The profitability of trade with the West.

12. What organization is Procopy part of?
(a) The rebellion.
(b) The Raskolniki.
(c) The secret police.
(d) The monkhood.

13. What is the result in Russia of riots in Finland and uprisings in Ukraine?
(a) Government suppression.
(b) War with Ukraine.
(c) Civil war.
(d) Reform.

14. Who is making slow progress according to Peter?
(a) Socialists.
(b) Terrorists.
(c) Capitalists.
(d) Anarchists.

15. What is Popov knowledgeable about in his discussion on the train?
(a) Radical politics.
(b) Economic theories.
(c) Cultural developments.
(d) Philosophy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the People's Will do in 1881?

2. How long has Nicolai been in St. Petersburg in 1891?

3. How many children does Andrei have?

4. What does Alexander refuse to ask Tatiana's father for?

5. What does Nicolai believe will replace God?

(see the answer keys)

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