Russka: The Novel of Russia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Edward Rutherfurd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Russka: The Novel of Russia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Edward Rutherfurd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is elected elder of Dirty Place?
(a) Yanka.
(b) Milei.
(c) Boris Bobrov.
(d) Peter.

2. When is Bright Week?
(a) The week after Christmas.
(b) The week after May day.
(c) The week after Easter.
(d) The week after the summer solstice.

3. What does Elena tell Boris that makes him happy?
(a) That his doctor said he will be better soon.
(b) That the children will listen to her.
(c) That she is pregnant.
(d) That the Tsar is going to help them.

4. What does Yanka get a woman to help her do?
(a) Leave her husband.
(b) Abort a pregnancy.
(c) Make money.
(d) Win a husband.

5. How is power passed in Russia in 1067?
(a) From committee to committee.
(b) From father to son.
(c) From mother to son.
(d) From brother to brother.

6. What terminates the campaign against the Baltic?
(a) Heresy trials.
(b) The departure of the peasantry.
(c) The plot against Ivan.
(d) Elena's pregnancy.

7. Who do the Cossacks meet with during Bright Week?
(a) Nikita.
(b) Stenka Razin.
(c) Andrei.
(d) Nikon.

8. Who does Yanka have a relationship with?
(a) Her father.
(b) Batu Khan.
(c) Shchek. Milei.
(d) Genghis Khan.

9. Where is Ivan taken?
(a) To the House of Zhydovyn.
(b) To a monastery in Italy.
(c) To Constantinople.
(d) To the Prince of Polotsk.

10. Who is Mengu?
(a) A Cumin warrior.
(b) A Mongol warrior.
(c) A Russian prince.
(d) A slave.

11. What does Mal tell him in answer to his question?
(a) That there is venison.
(b) The cub is still in the forest.
(c) That they will go soon.
(d) That he is still to young.

12. What question does Boris wonder about when he returns from the campaign?
(a) How he will raise revenues on his estate.
(b) How to get a promotion in the Tsar's service.
(c) Whether Elena's son is his.
(d) How to limit the power of the Tsar.

13. What is the veche?
(a) An assembly.
(b) The police.
(c) The borderland.
(d) The marketplace.

14. What happens to the son Elena bore?
(a) He is raised in the Tsar's household.
(b) Ivan kills him because Boris doubts his paternity.
(c) He is placed out on the mountainside to die.
(d) Boris kills him because he doubts his paternity.

15. What is the result when Monomakh refuses the throne?
(a) A period of peace.
(b) Civil war.
(c) Cooperation between tribes.
(d) A revolution.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the capital of Russia in Chapter 2?

2. When does Chapter 2 take place?

3. Who is Purgas?

4. What does Stephen change for the priests' sake?

5. Who is Arina?

(see the answer keys)

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