Russian Thinkers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Russian Thinkers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of position has Turgenev's legacy occupied in Russian society?
(a) Turgenev has been turned into a populist hero.
(b) Turgenev was turned into a martyr by the left.
(c) Turgenev has been attacked by all sides of the political spectrum.
(d) Turgenev has become a model gentleman farmer.

2. Where was Belinsky born?
(a) Berlin.
(b) Moscow.
(c) Minsk.
(d) Finland.

3. Why was Belinsky expelled from university?
(a) Belinsky was expelled for an affair with a governess.
(b) Belinsky was expelled for writing an essay mocking the university president.
(c) Belinsky was expelled for inciting a student riot.
(d) Belinsky was expelled for writing a play denouncing serfdom.

4. What was Belinsky like in a debate?
(a) Frigidly rational.
(b) Furious.
(c) Reserved.
(d) Bombastic and offensive.

5. How does Berlin describe Belinsky's legacy?
(a) Berlin describes Belinsky as a revolutionary whose martyrdom inspired future revolutionaries.
(b) Berlin describes Belinsky as an aesthete whose decadence was in fashion for a few years.
(c) Berlin describes Belinsky as the decadent gadfly of his generation.
(d) Berlin describes Belinsky as the father of social criticism.

6. When did Turgenev die?
(a) 1875.
(b) 1883.
(c) 1861.
(d) 1881.

7. What did Herzen understand that the revolutionaries did not understand?
(a) The cost of revolutionary change.
(b) The power of the aristocracy.
(c) The hellish nature of armed conflict.
(d) The corrupting nature of power.

8. What balance did Herzen strike in his philosophy?
(a) A balance between political engagement and artistic remove.
(b) A balance between social justice and intellectual skepticism.
(c) A balance between revolutionary activities and aristocratic manners.
(d) A balance between living naturally and making art.

9. When did Russian Populism begin to decline?
(a) After the death of the Tsar in 1881.
(b) After the opening of the Trans-Siberia railroad in 1889.
(c) After the conviction of the Petrachevsky Circle.
(d) After the abolition of serfdom in 1861.

10. What native influence affected the Russian Populists?
(a) Russian Orthodox traditions.
(b) The gloom of Russian philosophy.
(c) Serfdom.
(d) Russian agricultural practices.

11. What term did Turgenev use to describe the protagonist of his novel Rudin?
(a) An everyman.
(b) An ubermensch.
(c) A superfluous man.
(d) A hero.

12. What group was Herzen part of in university?
(a) Herzen belonged to a group of student radicals.
(b) Herzen was part of the Petrachevsky circle.
(c) Herzen was one of Turgenev's "superfluous men."
(d) Herzen was one of Belinsky's proteges.

13. What view of Turgenev does Berlin say is misleading?
(a) The idea of Turgenev as a literary writer drawn reluctantly into politics.
(b) The idea of Turgenev as a revolutionary under cover of a writer.
(c) The idea of Turgenev as a prophet of the Russian Revolution.
(d) The idea of Turgenev as an aristocrat in peasant's clothing.

14. How did Herzen apply the philosophy of the philosopher whose work he followed?
(a) Herzen concluded that no one grand theory could solve society's problems.
(b) Herzen found beauty in nature, and tried to escape from a corrupt society.
(c) Herzen wasted his time on drinking and gambling as a rebellion against a rational society.
(d) Herzen applied theories methodically and pragmatically to social problems.

15. Where was Herzen born?
(a) Berlin.
(b) Pinsk.
(c) Moscow.
(d) Petersburg.

Short Answer Questions

1. How was Herzen seen by the revolutionaries of the 1860s and 1870s?

2. How did the Populists differ from Marxists?

3. What sentiment ultimately moved the Populists?

4. What do Herzen and Turgenev's novels have in common?

5. What program did Tolstoy advocate?

(see the answer keys)

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